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                      1 1 1 1 14 44 46 6  (2008) 20 ELM : STRATEGIC ISSUES – SCOTLAND – HENDRY

                      Strategic Issues – Scotland

                      Sarah Hendry  UNESCO Centre for Water Law, Policy and Science,
                      University of Dundee

                      Headline Issues                                  Modernising Planning Appeals:
                      •   Planning matters
                      •   Climate change
                                                                       Draft Regulations on Development Planning:
                      •   Energy efficiency and microgeneration
                      •   Soil framework consultation
                      •   Environmental liabilities
                                                                       Draft Regulations on the Planning Hierarchy:
                      •   SEARS – a new approach?
                      •   Flooding Bill – consultation responses
                      •   Set-aside land
                                                                       Development Management:
                      Planning matters                                 Draft Regulations on Development Plan Examinations:
                      An analysis of responses has been produced, generally  20154243/0
                      positive, in relation to the recent consultation on Strategic  Draft Regulations on Planning Enforcement:
                      Development Planning Authorities. A significant number
                      of respondents from the Scottish Borders do not want to  12104756/0
                      be included in the Edinburgh strategic authority area, as
                      they feel their interests will be neglected. By contrast,
                      Shetland Islands council does want to be included in the  The value of planning agreements
                      Aberdeen area, as that is the Shetlands’ main transport
                      link. There seems to be surprisingly little concern about  Dundas and Wilson and Bidwells were commissioned to
                      the proposals to ’split’ Fife between Dundee and  assess the value and importance of planning agreements
                      Edinburgh, perhaps because of the nature of the relevant  in 2004–07, and likely future benefits to 2010. Headline
                      services, although exactly where the line will fall has not  findings are that both the number and value of agreements
                      yet been decided; some felt Fife council should make this  are increasing, with use being made of section 69
                      decision. Outwith the Borders, transport links are the main  agreements under the Local Government (Scotland) Act
                      reason why respondents wish to be included (or not) in a  1973, for one-off payments, as well as section 75
                      particular area.                                 agreements under the Town and Country Planning
                          Whilst there is broad support for the process, there  (Scotland) Act 1997. The study also looked at agreements
                      are still many difficult details around procedure and  under the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984, although these are
                      funding; not surprisingly, the authorities themselves would  less common, but it did not consider planning conditions.
                      like much of this to be left to be determined by their future  The majority (around 75 per cent) of all agreements
                      cooperative working, but the decision on the funding  now are linked to major housing applications, with
                      options (an equal share for all the authorities, or based  recreation, and then roads, bringing in the largest sums.
                      on either population or area) will surely be set by the  Authorities with formula-based policies for developer
                      government for all the new authorities.          contributions were achieving more substantial sums than
                                                                       those using other mechanisms. Authorities with dedicated
                      Scottish Government 2008 Strategic Development Planning  staff are better at monitoring and follow-up. Interestingly,
                      Authorities: Designation Orders and Statutory Guidance:  just three authorities (Glasgow, Edinburgh and the
                      Analysis of Consultation Responses  available at:  http://  Borders) accounted for 53 per cent of the agreements
              entered in the review period. The study estimates between
                                                                       £91m and £167m may be gained in the period to 2010.
                      Consultation responses, without analysis as yet, have been  The extensive report is accompanied by a set of summary
                      published on several of the recent planning consultations:  findings.

                      The Strategic Development Planning Authorities: http://  McMaster et al  (Dundas & Wilson / Bidwells) 2008  An
              Assessment of the Value of Planning Agreements in Scotland
                                                                       (Scottish Government Social Research) available at: http://

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