Page 25 - Lawtext Environmental Law & Management Journal Sample
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                      •   90 per cent of the total quantity of allowances to be  auction revenues has met with resistance from the
                          auctioned being distributed among Member States  Economics and Finance Committee. 31
                          in shares that are identical to the share of verified  Decision no 280/2004/EC requires Member States
                          emissions under the Community scheme in 2005 of  to include information on the use of revenues for each of
                          the Member State concerned                   these purposes in their reports submitted to the
                      •   10 per cent of the total quantity of allowances to be  Commission. 32
                          auctioned being distributed among certain Member
                          States for the purpose of solidarity and growth within  Transitional arrangements and free allocation
                          the Community, thereby increasing the amount of
                          allowances that those Member States auction under  Entitled ‘Transitional Community-wide Rules for
                          point (a) by the percentages specified in Annex IIa.  Harmonised Free Allocation’, Article 10a contains
                                                                       provisions  that indicate the circumstances under which
                      This involved formulation could be interpreted as meaning  free allocation is and is not permitted. Except in certain
                      that once the reduction factor has been applied to the  circumstances, no free allocation is to be given to
                      total quantity of allowances (ie the market scarcity has  electricity generators, nor to installations for capturing,
                      been set) and the level of free allocation has been  pipelines for transporting, nor sites for storing greenhouse
                      determined (by Article 10a), then the remainder will be  gas emissions.
                      auctioned. Thus Member States will only be allowed to  Since generators of electricity have the potential to
                      auction 90 per cent of their 2005 share of allowances  pass on the increased cost of CO in full, the Commission
                      unless they are on the list in Annex II. 26      considers that they should be subject to 100 per cent
                          Additional reductions in the number of allowances  auctioning from 2013. This is clearly an important factor
                      allocated to installations are defined or implied in a number  for other sectors to bear in mind when assessing their
                      of provisions within the proposal, and these are discussed  costs under the scheme. Process electricity intensity is
                      below.                                           not explicitly accounted for in the new proposals; however,
                          The allocations made to new entrants to the scheme  the benchmark procedures referred to in Recital 18 could
                      (ie those installations not covered within Phases I and II),  take account of this. To encourage more efficient
                      will be made from a fund based upon 5 per cent of the  generation of electricity, free allowances would be available
                      quantity of Community-wide allowances determined in  for the production of heat through high efficiency
                      accordance with Articles 9 and 9a over the period 2013  cogeneration as defined by Directive 2004/8/EC for
                      to 2020.  Thus those installations not subject to  economically justifiable demand to ensure equal treatment
                      auctioning– mainly the sectors outside the Energy Supply  with regard to other producers of heat.
                      Industry (ESI) – will face a cut of 5 per cent which could  Likewise, no free allocations are to be given for carbon
                      be levied on an installation basis or taken in proportion  capture and storage, as the incentive for this arises from
                      to a sector’s estimated requirements of new entrants  allowances not being required to be surrendered in respect
                      during Phase III. However, it is more likely that the 5 per  of emissions which are stored. In practice, the operation
                      cent set aside for new entrants will act as a further cap  of this arrangement is likely to be problematic as a result
                      reduction on the total allocation for non-auction activities.  of the definition of ‘installation’.
                          It is proposed that on the basis of the precautionary  For other sectors within the EU ETS, a transitional
                      principle,  at least 20 per cent of the revenues generated  system will be established. In 2013 this will issue 80 per
                      from auctioning will be hypothecated and Member States  cent of the amount that corresponded to the percentage
                      can use this for: energy efficiency and renewable funds  of overall Community-wide emissions throughout the
                      for adaptation; meeting 20 per cent renewables by 2020;  period 2005–2007 that those installations emitted as a
                      capture and geological storage of greenhouse gases from  proportion of the annual Community-wide total quantity
                      coal power stations;  avoidance of deforestation;  of allowances. The free allocation will then decrease each
                      facilitation of adaptation in developing countries;  year by equal amounts until by 2020 it no longer exists. 34
                      addressing social aspects such as possible increases in  Although aviation has the potential to pass on its
                      electricity prices in lower and middle incomes; and to  costs, it is treated differently from the electricity
                      manage the scheme.  The proposal to hypothecate  generators and will be subject to the interim arrangements
                                                                       relating to free allowances.

                      26 The United Kingdom is not on the list in Annex II of the Proposal for a
                         Directive amending Directive 2003/87/EC (n 2).
                      27 Proposal for a Directive amending Directive 2003/87/EC (n 2) art
                         10(a)(6).                                     31 Council of the European Union. Report on the Efficiency of Economic
                      28 Article 174(2) of the Treaty.                   Instruments for Energy and Climate Change ECOFIN 33. ENV 51
                      29 Note the implied preference for coal-fired power stations over other  ECFIN/EPC(2007)REP/ 55386/final (Brussels 30 January 2007).
                         potential users of carbon capture and storage such as steel and cement  32 Proposal for a Directive amending Directive 2003/87/EC (n 2)       art
                         manufacture.                                    10(4).
                      30 Proposal for a Directive amending Directive 2003/87/EC (n 2)            art  33 ibid art 10(a), 2, 3.
                         10(4).                                        34 ibid art 10(a)(7–9).

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