Page 23 - Lawtext Environmental Law & Management Journal Sample
P. 23

                          to the conclusion of a comprehensive international  proposal is that energy intensive-industries have achieved
                          climate change agreement                     quite substantial reductions in their CO  emissions against
                      •   a mandatory EU target of 20 per cent renewable  the Kyoto 1990 baseline. By contrast, the non-traded
                          energy by 2020 including a 10 per cent biofuels  sectors that will now come within the Commission’s
                          target.                                      package of measures – buildings, transport, agriculture
                                                                       and waste – have been given relatively modest reduction
                      The Communication was endorsed by both the European  targets, and emissions from transport in particular have
                      Parliament and EU leaders at the March 2007 European  increased since 1990.
                      Council, which invited the Commission to develop    The proposed revision will include additional industrial
                      concrete proposals and a means of sharing the effort  sectors  – notably aluminium, petrochemicals and aviation
                      involved in achieving these targets between Member States.  – and the scheme will extend to all greenhouse gases. 13
                          In response, the Commission issued a further  These revisions target CO  emissions from petrochemicals,
                      Communication on 23 January 2008  setting a number  ammonia and aluminium production, nitrous oxide (N O)
                      of linked policy proposals, including:           emissions from the production of nitric, adipic and
                                                                       glyoxalic acid, and perflourocarbon (PFC) emissions from
                      • • • • •  amendment of Directive 2003/87/EC 9   the aluminium sector, ‘all of which can be measured and
                      •   sharing the efforts to meet the Community’s  verified with sufficient accuracy’. Annex I of the proposal
                          independent greenhouse gas reduction commitment  is specific in linking these additional gases with the
                          in sectors not covered by the EU ETS in the ‘non-  emissions from a particular industry or process. Only in
                          traded sector’, including transport, buildings, services,  the case of carbon capture and storage is there a general
                          smaller industrial installations, agriculture and waste  inclusion of all greenhouse gases, despite the technique’s
                      •   a directive promoting renewable energy.      sole applicability to carbon dioxide.
                                                                          Shipping, the global emissions of which have been
                      This formed part of the Commission’s Climate Action and  estimated at double the level of those from aviation, 14
                      Renewable Energy Package which contained other   remains excluded on the basis of current uncertainties in
                      proposals, including a legal framework on the storage of  verifying and monitoring, although the Commission
                      carbon dioxide in geological strata,  a communication on  suggests that, with road transport, it may be included at
                      the demonstration of carbon capture and storage, and  a later stage following a detailed impact assessment.
                      new guidelines for environmental state aid.      However, since the combustion of biomass is considered
                                                                       to be carbon-neutral, it is unlikely that emissions from
                      Proposed modifications to the Emissions          agriculture or forestry will be included in future.
                      Trading Directive                                   The combination of an increase in the number of
                                                                       sectors covered and an extension to the six greenhouse
                      Although the Commission’s proposed directive (the  gases  of the Kyoto Protocol will result in an increase in
                      proposal) to amend the Emissions Trading Directive  the overall coverage of the scheme by 140 to 150 MtCO ,
                      contains 40 recitals within the preamble, it comprises only  (equivalent to 6.6–7.1 per cent of Phase II allowances,
                      five articles,  with Article 1 detailing all the proposed  with 100 MtCO resulting from the additional sectors and
                      changes. For clarity, therefore, the following discussion  gases, and the remainder through ‘a codified interpretation
                      will refer to the number of the article(s) in the directive  of combustion installations’ ).
                      that the Commission proposes should be changed.     This codification is to be achieved through a
                                                                       modification to Article 3:
                      Revised scope of the directive
                                                                          [(t)] ‘Combustion installation’ means any stationary
                      The current version of the EU ETS became effective in  technical unit in which fuels are oxidised producing
                      2005. It covers 10,000 industrial installations across the  heat or mechanical energy or both, and other directly
                      EU, including power plants, oil refineries, cement and steel  associated activities including waste gas scrubbing are
                      works, which together account for almost half the EU’s  carried out
                      CO  emissions. What is not acknowledged in the current

                      8 ‘Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament,  12 Proposal for a Directive amending Directive 2003/87/EC (n 2)       arts
                         the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the  3(t) and (u), Annex I.
                         Committee for the Regions – 20 20 by 2020 Europe’s Climate Change  13 ibid art 3(c) and Annex II.
                         Opportunity’ COM(2008) 30 final (23 January 2008).  14 The Guardian ‘True Scale of CO2 Emissions from Shipping Revealed’
                      9 Proposal for a Directive amending Directive 2003/87/EC (n 2).  (13 February 2008). A leaked UN Report indicated that the world’s
                      10 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council  merchant fleet is currently responsible for 1.12bn tonnes of CO2,
                         on the Geological Storage of Carbon Dioxide and Amending Council  (~4.5 per cent of global emissions), while aviation accounts for 650M
                         Directives 85/337/EEC, 96/61/EC, Directives 2000/60/EC, 2001/  tonnes.
                         80/EC, 2004/35/EC, 2006/12/EC and Regulation (EC) No 1013/  15 Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O),
                         2006.                                           hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs) and sulphur
                      11 Article 1, Amendments to Directive 2003/87/EC; art 2, Transposition;  hexafluoride (SF6).
                         art 3, Transitional Provision; art 4, Entry into force and art 5,  16 Proposal for a Directive amending Directive 2003/87/EC (n 2) art
                         Addressees.                                     3(t).

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