Page 24 - Lawtext Environmental Law & Management Journal Sample
P. 24

                    and an explicit list in Annex I covering a range of activities. 17  for 2013 will be based upon the average annual quantity
                    Furthermore, the Commission announced that it intends  of allowances with which they were issued during the
                    to end the inconsistent application of the directive to  period of their inclusion, adjusted by the linear factor
                    combustion activities by Member States. However, since  referred to in Article 9.
                    the Phase III allocation to installations will be based upon  For new entrants, post-2012, data are to be submitted
                    that of Phase II, it will be necessary to make some  to the relevant competent authority by 30 April 2010 at
                    adjustments to account for the new definition.  the latest, and if duly substantiated, the competent
                                                                    authority is to notify the Commission by 30 June 2010
                    To reduce the administrative burden of operating the  and the quantity of allowances to be issued will be adjusted
                    scheme  on smaller installations, the 20MW threshold  by the linear factor referred to in Article 9.
                    provision is to be changed so that combustion installations  A problem in assessing the implications of these
                    with a rated thermal input of more than 20 but less than  provisions is the lack of cross-referencing between
                    25 MW and an annual emission of less than 10,000 tonnes  absolute Community-wide emission targets and the
                    of CO  can be excluded from the EU ETS, provided there  allocations made at the installation level in each of the
                    are measures such as taxation that will achieve an  Member States. Article 9a(1) could be interpreted as
                    ‘equivalent contribution’ from these installations.  either reducing the total number of allowances to
                       About 4200 installations could be affected,  installations within Phase II by the linear factor (1.74 per
                    accounting for approximately 0.7 per cent of total ETS  cent reduction), or reducing the allocations to each
                    emissions, to which further very small installations will be  installation by the linear factor. The absence of any
                    added as a result of excluding installations with less than  reference in the proposals to emission caps related to
                    3MW rated thermal input from the scope of the   sector definitions compounds this uncertainty.
                    aggregation clause.                                The European Commission is to publish the adjusted
                                                                    quantities referred to in para 1, Article 9a(3), but there
                    Allocation of allowances: national caps         are no details of the timing, which also adds to the
                    There was never much logic in the current system, with
                    27 different national caps implemented through 27  Allocation of allowances: auctioning
                    national allocation plans each based upon different
                    criteria. The proposal envisages its replacement with an  Under Phases I and II of the EU ETS, the allocation of
                    EU-wide cap set by the Commission that would allow the  allowances within each Member State was undertaken
                    EU to reach its goal of 20 per cent reduction in  according to the individual methodology developed by
                    greenhouse gases by 2020.  However, some Member  the country concerned. Generally this was based upon
                    States may oppose the loss of subsidiarity inherent in the  ‘grandfathering’.  During Phase I, the reliance on emissions
                    centralised setting of national caps.           projections led to excessive allocation of allowances in
                       The absolute quantity of allowances for 2013 will be  some Member States and sectors.
                    published by the Commission by 30 June 2010, and this  The Commission states that auctioning is the best
                    will be based upon total quantities of allowances issued  mechanism for ensuring efficiency of the ETS,
                    by Member States in their national allocation plans for  transparency, and simplicity of the system, and avoids
                    Phase II. The total amount will decrease by 1.74 per cent  undesirable distributional effects. It is also claimed to
                    per year through the eight years of Phase III in order to  comply with the polluter-pays principle and rewards early
                    arrive at a reduction of 21 per cent below reported 2005  action to reduce emissions.
                    emissions by the end of this period.  This linear reduction  This latter assertion is questionable since the
                    will continue into Phase IV and be reviewed by 2025.  proposed change of reference year from 1990 to 2005 24
                    Importantly, the gradient of this trajectory will be reviewed  disregards the significant reductions that many
                    and tightened in light of an international agreement. 22  installations have made in this period.
                       For installations within Phase II of the scheme, ‘the  Nevertheless, auctioning is to be adopted as the basic
                    incumbents’, the calculation of the Community-wide cap  principle for allocation during Phase III, and the relevant
                                                                    provisions are included in Articles 10 and 11 of the
                                                                    proposal. The timing, administration and other aspects
                                                                    of auctioning will be defined in a regulation which the
                    17 All kinds of boilers, burners, turbines, heaters, furnaces, incinerators,  Commission will adopt by 31 December 2010.  25
                      kilns, ovens, dryers, engines, flares, and thermal or catalytic afterburning.
                    18 The largest 7 per cent of installations accounts for 60 per cent of the  The total quantity of allowances to be auctioned by
                      total emissions, while the 1400 smallest installations (approximately  each Member State is to be composed of:
                      14 per cent) account for only 0.14 per cent.
                    19 Excluding biomass emissions, in each of the three-year period preceding
                      the year of application.
                    20 Proposal for a Directive amending Directive 2003/87/EC (n 2)       art 9.  23 That is allocation based upon previous performance.
                    21 21 per cent reduction on 2005 (Recital 4) approximately equates to  24 Phase II of the Emissions Trading Directive was aligned with the EU
                      1.74 per cent reduction in each of the eight years of Phase III plus the  Kyoto commitment of an 8 per cent reduction in GHGs by 2008–
                      6.5 per cent reduction achieved in Phase II National Allocation Plans  2012 compared with 1990 levels. The proposed change to the directive
                      on the Phase I Allowances.                      is aimed at a reduction of 21 per cent below reported 2005 emissions.
                    22 Proposal for a Directive amending Directive 2003/87/EC (n 2)       art  25 Proposal for a Directive amending Directive 2003/87/EC (n 2) art
                      28(2).                                          10(5).

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