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                    Certainties and uncertainties – proposed

                    modifications to the Emissions Trading Directive

                    David Pocklington
                    Richard Leese
                    British Cement Association

                    Introduction 1 1 1 1 1
                                                                    Indonesia  set out a road map towards reaching such an
                    More than any other environmental issue, the mitigation  agreement at its meeting in Copenhagen in December
                    of climate change is a global concern and, as such, the  2009 (COP 15).
                    proposed modifications to the EU Emissions Trading  The achievement of such an agreement at COP 15
                    Directive  need to be considered in the context of other  has a direct bearing on the Commission’s proposals, which
                    concurrent measures proposed by the Commission and  include options depending upon whether or not an
                    in relation to climate change as a whole. Industry is one  international agreement is reached. While in environmental
                    of the major sources of anthropogenic greenhouse gas  terms this could be considered as one of its strengths, in
                    emissions and the achievement of reductions in this area  terms of certainty it is a distinct weakness.
                    is important. However, this must not to be to the exclusion  The EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) is
                    of effective measures to reduce emissions from other  currently the world’s largest single carbon market,
                    sources.                                        accounting for 67 per cent in terms of volume and 81 per
                       The capping, reduction and trading of carbon dioxide  cent in terms of value.  It has worked as the driver of the
                    and other greenhouse gases is generally considered to  global credit market, triggering investments in emission
                    be an efficient means of limiting emissions from existing  reduction projects and indirectly linking 147 countries to
                    and new sources, and is one of the so-called ‘flexible  the EU ETS through JI/CDM projects.
                    mechanisms’ within the Kyoto Protocol that allow   The Emissions Trading Directive 2003/87/EC
                    developed countries to gain credits/allowances for  includes provisions for its review and harmonisation
                    emissions reductions that have taken place in other  (Article 30). Experience of the first period and the
                    countries where this is cheaper or easier to achieve than  National Allocation Plan (NAP) assessment of the second
                    reducing domestic emissions. 3                  period indicated to the Commission that the overall
                       Although the Kyoto Protocol eventually came into  functioning of the EU ETS could be improved in a number
                    force in October 2004 following Russia’s ratification, its  of aspects, and in November 2006 it initiated a review of
                    overall reduction target of 5.2 per cent is woefully  the EU ET Directive, with a view to streamlining,
                    inadequate to achieve any meaningful reduction of carbon  strengthening and expanding the EU ETS.  On 10 January
                    dioxide emissions. Few countries have followed the lead  2007 the Commission issued a Communication ‘Limiting
                    of the United Kingdom and Europe, which launched their  Global Climate Change to 2  Celsius’ which set out its
                    greenhouse gas based emissions trading schemes in 2002  proposals and options for keeping climate change to
                    and 2005 respectively.                          manageable levels.  This called for:
                       However, over the past two to three years an increasing
                    number of countries have become committed, in principle  •  an independent EU commitment to achieve a reduction
                    at least, to the development of a post-Kyoto global  of at least 20 per cent in the emission of greenhouse
                    agreement on greenhouse gas reductions. The most recent  gases by 2020 compared with 1990 levels
                    meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) in  •  a target of a 30 per cent reduction by 2020, subject

                                                                    4 The United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP
                    1 The views expressed in this article are those of the authors, and do  13) in Bali 3–15 December 2007, resulted in the Bali Road Map
                      not necessarily reflect those of the British Cement Association or its
                      member companies.                               3597.php?such=j&volltext=/CP.13#beg.
                    2 Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council  5 Note 2 p 2.
                      amending Directive 2003/87/EC so as to Improve and Extend the  6 Communication ‘Building A Global Carbon Market – Report Pursuant
                      Greenhouse Gas Emission Allowance Trading System of the Community  to Article 30 of Directive 2003/87/EC’ COM(2006) 676 (13
                      COM(2008) 16 final (23 January 2008).  November 2006).
                      environment/climat/emission/ets_post2012_en.htm;  7 ‘Communication from the Commission to the Council, the European
                      com_2008_16_en-1.pdf.                           Parliament, the European Economic and Social Committee and the
                    3 Kyoto flexible mechanisms include emissions trading; industrial country  Committee of the Regions – Limiting Global Climate Change to 2
                      joint implementation (JI); and clean development mechanism (CDM)  degrees Celsius – The Way Ahead for 2020 and Beyond’ COM/2007/
                      (10 January 2007).                              0002 final (10 January 2007).

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