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                                                         THE UK DRAFT MARINE BILL – WILSON, TRIGGS :: :: : (2008) 20 ELM 141
                    The UK draft Marine Bill – A new dawn for the
                    marine environment and offshore energy?

                    William Wilson*, Robert Triggs**
                    Burges Salmon

                    Overview of the Bill                            marine functions of government in waters around England
                                                                    and, where not devolved, in the UK offshore area. It will be
                    Legislative background
                                                                    rebuilt from the Marine and Fisheries Agency but with wider
                    The draft Marine Bill published by the UK Government in  powers and functions. The practical implications of achieving
                    April 2008  is a manifesto commitment from the last  this kind of amalgamation are often underestimated by
                    election. It is the result of very extensive consultation over  government, as staff are brought in from different agencies
                    a number of years, with the publication of a white paper  with different terms and conditions, all fearing the worst
                    in 2007  and of a regular Marine Bill newsletter leading  about how the changes will affect them. The sooner they
                    up to its arrival. Other factors leading to the introduction  can receive clear assurances about how exactly the MMO
                    of this legislation include the EU Marine Strategy Directive,  will be structured, the better the prospects for an orderly
                    which has been adopted since the draft Bill’s publication. 3  and effective start to the new body.. .. . The MMO will have
                    This will require EU Member States to take the necessary  responsibilities in areas which include marine research,
                    measures to achieve ‘good environmental status’ in their  regulation, planning, harbour construction and alteration
                    waters. We consider some of the implications of that  consents and Marine Act licensing.
                    commitment further in the section of this article on nature
                    conservation measures.                          Marine planning
                       The Marine Bill is also a response to the demands
                    and stresses on the sea which are constantly increasing;  The Bill will introduce a new marine planning system. It
                    these include very intensive fisheries effort and in some  will be based upon the model of having a statement of
                    case the collapse of marine fish stocks, the problem of  long term objectives for the marine area around the UK,
                    ever growing pollution and climate change. Changes to  with each region or area having more detailed and spatial
                    planning rules are justified by the government on the  policies spelled out in marine plans, and the details relating
                    grounds of the increasingly competitive use of the marine  to specific sites being dealt with at the local inquiry level.
                    area, for example as between navigation, production of  The key Marine Policy Statement will be made on behalf
                    renewable energy with offshore wind farms, marine  of the UK Government, the Welsh Assembly Government
                    dredging for gravel aggregates and other materials,  and the Northern Ireland Assembly, while once again the
                    fisheries and so on. The Bill will have a complex application  Scottish Ministers will go their own way. It looks as though
                    to the waters of the UK, as the devolved administrations  the structure will have many of the advantages and
                    of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will apply it  disadvantages of the proposed planning system reforms
                    differently, and in the case of Scotland an entirely separate  outlined in the Planning Bill.  The Infrastructure Planning
                    Scottish Marine Bill will be brought forward.   Commission – the body to be set up pursuant to the
                                                                    Planning Bill to take major strategic planning decisions –
                                                                    will issue development consents for major renewable
                    Marine Management Organisation
                                                                    projects and harbours, and the government hopes to pre-
                    This government, like all others, retains its faith in the  empt interminable planning inquiries by including the main
                    ability of new organisations to deliver administrative  planning principles into a statement of national policy,
                    reform. Since no Bill is complete without a new organisation,  leaving the details to be worked out locally.
                    the Bill will introduce the Marine Management Organisation  This approach is welcome to developers, and
                    (MMO). This important new body is intended to deliver the  unwelcome to potential objectors, some of whom, in the
                                                                    UK’s main environmental, conservation and civic organisations
                                                                    (representing five million members) parodied what will be
                                                                    the Planning Act 2008 with a sponsored advertisement of
                    *  Barrister, e-mail:
                    ** Associate, E-mail:  a mock planning notice which reads:
                      whitepaper07.pdf.                             4 Bill 11 of 2007–8 session, presented to the House of Commons on
                    3 Directive 2008/56/EC of the European Parliament and of The Council  27 November 2007 by Hazel Blears, Secretary of State, Department
                      of 17 June 2008 establishing a framework for community action in the  for Communities and Local Government.
                      field of marine environmental policy (Marine Strategy Framework  uk/planningandbuilding/planning/planningpolicyimplementation/
                      Directive).                                     reformplanningsystem/planningbill/.

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