Page 34 - Lawtext Environmental Liabilty Journal Example
P. 34

                                                                         [2008] 3  Env. Liability :        The UK draft Marine Bill  :  Wotton     101101
               amended to ensure that inquiries into draft Harbour Orders  sustainable and benign activities to take place, but it is
               are only held when serious or substantial issues are raised  anticipated that some ‘Highly Protected Marine Reserves’
               or when the Secretary of State decides that one should be  will be created. The MMO will consider these conservation
               held.  In light of the lengthy, and expensive, inquiries into  objectives as part of the marine planning process and when
               harbour development proposals in recent years, this can  exercising its licensing and fisheries management functions.
               only be an improvement. We can expect concerns to be  Clause 113 of the draft Bill gives the MMO powers to make
               raised however that there has not been enough consideration  ‘conservation orders’ for the purpose of furthering the
               given to public opinion in the decision-making process,  conservation objectives of an MCZ in England. A
               particularly in light of the commitment to public  conservation order may contain provisions, inter alia,
               participation in the Aarhus Convention.            prohibiting or restricting entry into an MCZ, restricting
                  The application process will also be simplified for  the speed or anchoring of a vessel, or the removal,
               marine renewable electricity installations which currently  destruction or disturbance of marine plants and animals,
               require consent under s 36 of the Electricity Act 1989 and  or other object.
               a Food and Environment Protection Act (FEPA) licence.  Before both the designation of an MCZ and the making
               Some also require CPA consent. The proposals in the draft  of the conservation order, consultation must be carried out.
               Bill enable a single process for obtaining consent.  It is notable that, whilst these MCZs seem a sustainable
                  What is not clear cut is the interface between marine  way forward in protecting the marine environment, the
               developments which would be considered a nationally  Policy Paper for the Marine Bill anticipates that there will
               significant infrastructure project (as defined in the Planning  be a degree of flexibility in the case where development is
               Bill), for example an offshore wind farm with a capacity of  considered necessary in the public interest. There is
               more than 100 megawatts or a large harbour. In this case,  therefore no firm commitment to compliance with the
               the Independent Planning Commission established under  conservation objectives. Another concern is that, as
               the Planning Bill would be responsible for issuing  designation is not going to take place before 2012, there is
               development consents and the MMO will advise as the  a considerable period during which damage can continue
               specialist marine licensing authority. It is arguable that many  to be caused to vulnerable parts of the UK’s marine
               of the benefits of having a marine planning system are lost,  environment.
               as such projects will fall within the scope of the normal  Defra and WAG are developing further guidance on how
               (but new and not yet tested) planning system, which has  the nature conservation provisions in the draft Bill will be
               been seen to hinder marine development to date.    implemented, and this is expected to be published over
                                                                  the coming months.
                  Part 4: Marine Conservation Zones
               Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) may be designated by  Part 5: Other conservation sites
               the Secretary of State (or the Welsh Ministers in Wales) by  This part amends the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981
               means of local orders. These will be used to protect areas  in order to clarify the circumstances in which Sites of Special
               which are important to conserve the diversity of rare,  Scientific Interest or national nature reserves may extend
               threatened and representative habitats and species. The  below the Mean Low Water Mark.
               intention is that the MCZs will be large enough, and close
               enough together, to support functioning communities of  Part 6: Inshore fisheries and conservation
               marine wildlife. Natural England, the Joint Nature    authorities
               Conservation Committee and the Countryside Council for  Clauses 138 to 169 of the draft Bill deal with the
               Wales have been asked to develop programmes to enable  establishment of inshore fisheries, conservation districts and
               designation of MCZs by the end of 2012. As yet, it is not  conservation authorities. These provisions modernise the
               known where these MCZs will be.                    existing inshore fisheries and environment management
                  The designation order will determine the level of  arrangements in England and Wales and replace the existing
               protection for each site by setting out conservation  Sea Fisheries Committees with Inshore Fisheries and
               objectives. Most conservation objectives will allow  Conservation Authorities (IFCAs). The purpose of IFCAs
                                                                  is to manage the exploitation of sea fisheries.
                                                                     IFCAs districts will extend around the entire coastline
                                                                  of England and Wales out to six nautical miles. IFCAs will
                  5  Currently under the Harbours Act 1964 an inquiry must be  also have responsibility for sea fisheries management in
                  held if any person raises an objection, even where that person does
                  not want an inquiry.                            estuaries, currently the responsibility of the Environment

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