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98  Transposing the Environmental Liability Directive in Scotland  :  Brown  [2008] 3 Env. Liability
                      environmental representative groups stepped out of line,  local communities. The policy also arguably has the potential
                      nor did the ‘policy broker’ Scottish Executive/government  to be used as a stepping-stone towards more stringent
                      adopt a stance that diverted from previous policies. Indeed,  ‘polluter pays’ measures, a consideration that adds to the
                      it is not surprising that the Scottish Executive/government  importance of the current directive. In the light of the
                      has maintained a minimalist approach towards the ELD, as  transposition variations already displayed by EU Member
                      this approach reflects a traditional pragmatism vis-à-vis  States, it is clear that Scotland belongs to the ‘minimalist’
                      administrative and financial costs associated with  end of the environmental liability policy spectrum. This
                      environmental regulation. Yes, the Scottish Executive  position is unlikely to change in the next few months.
                      conducted an elaborate consultation process contacting  Over the years, the EU has had to deal with several
                      hundreds of stakeholders and giving them an opportunity  balancing acts. First of all, it has had to strike a balance
                      to express their views and ultimately shape the Scottish  between flexibility and discretion on the one hand and a
                      version of an EU environmental policy. However, from the  level-playing field and policy effectiveness/efficiency on
                      beginning this opportunity was flavoured with some  the other. Secondly, it has had to strike a balance between
                      reluctance on the part of the Scottish Executive.  economic and environmental interests. These balancing acts
                      Furthermore, it did not receive much attention from  are evident in the ELD document. The Scottish case study
                      Scottish stakeholders. In a nutshell, the Scottish Executive/  has shown that the overall balance can tip towards discretion
                      government has conducted an elaborate consultation  (rather than uniformity) as well as a minimum
                      process, which has, however, fallen short of filling the ELD’s  environmental policy. This begs the question as to whether
                      discretionary gaps in a creative or ‘enhanced’ way. The ELD  the ELD, although well-intentioned and carefully worded
                      did offer the opportunity to go beyond the basic provisions  at the outset, will bring about the intended environmental
                      of the legislation. It could be argued that, in order for the  policy changes that are necessary in order to make operators
                      ELD to be truly effective, it would have been necessary to  pay for environmental damage and, in the long run,
                      go further. However, the Scottish Government has not  internalise environmental costs. Although one would
                      grasped this opportunity to date and, interpreting the  assume that the young and ‘inclusive’ consultation process
                      outcome of the first consultation stage, is highly unlikely  of the Scottish transposition network facilitates (and
                      to do so in the near future.                       contributes towards) environmentally friendly decisions,
                         Finally, it is interesting to compare the original  this case study has shown that this green assumption may
                      intentions and high expectations of the ELD with the  not necessarily be the case. Other factors such as policy
                      somewhat half-hearted way in which the policy has been  distractions in the form of government change and
                      processed in Scotland so far. This relative lack of alertness  economic/financial concerns appear to put a spanner in
                      and interest in the policy is evident on all sides of Scottish  the works of environmental policy implementation and
                      society. This is astonishing, considering that the policy  ultimately the output of an environmental policy. To
                      occupied political minds at the EU level for several decades.  conclude (and put it bluntly), with the ELD EU legislators
                      It is also astonishing as, once it has been fully transposed,  might have taken the Scottish transposition horse to water,
                      the policy will have major implications for economies and  but this does not necessarily mean that it is going to drink.

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