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                                                                         [2008] 3  Env. Liability :        The UK draft Marine Bill  :  Wotton     9999
                                                                            The UK draft Marine Bill

                                                                                                      Sarah Wotton
                                                                                            Associate, Bircham Dyson Bell

                  Background                                         Part 1: the Marine Management Organisation

               On 3 April 2008, Defra published the draft Marine Bill for  Part 1 provides for the creation of an MMO to deliver
               consultation. The deadline for comments was 26 June 2008.  marine functions in the waters around England and in the
                  Prior to the publication of the draft Marine Bill, there  UK offshore area for matters that are not devolved.  The
               were several documents setting out the government’s  MMO will be a Non-Departmental Public Body. This means
               strategy for regulating and protecting the marine  it will be independent of the government departments. It
               environment and paving the way for the Bill.       will be the government’s strategic delivery body and the
                  In May 2002, Defra published ‘Safeguarding Our Seas:  marine planning body for the waters off England and in
               A Strategy for the Conservation and Sustainable    most of the offshore areas. It will also have a regulatory
               Development of our Marine Environment’. This report set  role in respect of most activities in the marine environment.
               out the government’s vision for the future marine environment.  It is intended that the MMO will work closely with bodies
               This was followed by ‘Seas of Change: the Government’s  such as Natural England and the Environment Agency
               consultation paper to help deliver our vision for the marine  (among others) and with a full range of marine users and
               environment’ which was published on 14 November 2002. In  interests.
               March 2006, the government consulted on initial proposals  The MMO will consist of a Chair and 8 Board Members.
               and the strategic direction for a Marine Bill, including marine  Those Board Members will have experience and expertise
               planning and the reform of marine licensing. The majority  in the three ‘pillars’ of sustainable development: economic,
               of responses were supportive. These consultations and  environmental and social. The MMO’s decision making and
               reports have all helped develop the current draft Bill.  planning roles will be guided by the proposed Marine Policy
                  The Marine Bill White Paper (‘A Sea Change’) was  Statement (Part 2 of the Bill, dealt with below).
               published on 15 March 2007. The White Paper identified  Once the Marine Bill receives Royal Assent, it is
               five discrete areas of policy: Marine Planning, Marine  intended that the MMO will initially be established in a
               Licensing, Marine Nature Conservation, Marine Fisheries  skeleton form and there will be a gradual transition from
               Management and proposals for a Marine Management   the functions of the Marine & Fisheries Agency (MFA),
               Organisation (MMO). The draft Bill largely reflects the  which currently has responsibility for marine fisheries
               proposals of the White Paper.                      management. Once those functions have been vested in
                  When considering the draft Bill it is also helpful to refer  the new MMO, the MFA will cease to exist.
               to the government’s consultation on proposals to improve
                                                                     Part 2: Marine planning
               access to the English coast (published June 2007), which
               considers the introduction of new primary legislation, and  Clause 39 of the draft Bill establishes the ‘UK Marine Area’
               the Planning Bill, which is currently in the House of Lords.  for the purposes of the Bill. This will be:

                                                                  • sea within the seaward limits of the territorial sea
                  Provisions of the draft Bill                    • sea within the limits of the UK sector of the continental

               The draft Bill is intended to help fulfil the government’s  shelf
               2005 election manifesto commitment to introduce a new  • sea within the limits of a renewable energy zone.
               framework for the seas based on marine spatial planning,
               balancing conservation, energy and resource needs. It is a
               substantial document, consisting of 301 Sections and 12
               Schedules. The following is therefore intended only to give  1  Note that under the devolution settlement territorial waters
               an overview of the main provisions and does not go into  around Scotland up to the 12 mile limit are the responsibility of
                                                                     Scottish ministers, and there will need to be parallel legislation in
               detail on matters such as procedure or enforcement.   Scotland to reflect this. As yet there is no draft Scottish Bill.

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