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106   Case Commentaries          Punitive damages ruled excessive in Exxon Valdez  :  Battista  [2008] 3 Env. LiabilityCase Commentaries  The Habitats Regulations 1994 – The Dilly Lane case : Sector [2008] 3 Env. Liability
                         Conclusion and predictions                      underlying circumstances may lead to unintended
                      Chart-topping jury awards and frivolous lawsuits are  consequences for the future of punitive damages. That is, a
                      unfortunate hallmarks of the United States legal framework  case can be made that the 1:1 ratio should be a minimum
                      which often appears to be less of a system of justice than a  rather than a maximum because in the Exxon matter, the
                      series of random results. Here, the Court seized an  conduct was not intentional and the defendant did not profit
                      opportunity to cap jackpot winnings in the narrow context  from the conduct. Plaintiff lawyers may argue that if such
                      of maritime common law. Although the decision is not  factors are absent, the Exxon limits should not apply and
                      binding on courts assessing punitive damages under state  therefore that the punitives could be higher than the 1:1
                      laws, the Supreme Court’s ruling is likely to be influential  ratio. One can imagine that the Court’s dissenters might
                      on state and federal courts wrestling with punitive damage  agree with that logic. There is little doubt, however, that
                      issues. Alternatively, despite the outcome of this case, the  this issue will be back at the Supreme Court before too

                      The Habitats Regulations 1994 – High Court
                      R (Hart District Council) v Secretary of State for Communities and
                      Local Government
                      [2008] EWHC 1204 (Admin)

                      Gary Sector
                      Planning & Environmental Group, Addleshaw Goddard

                         Facts                                           This has been particularly so within the Thames Valley where
                      An increasing difficulty for development proposals across  there are large tracts of protected heathland, and areas close
                      the country has been the practical effect of provisions in  to our major estuaries, which are frequently protected for
                      the Habitats Regulations 1994 (SI 1994/2716) requiring  their populations of wildfowl.  A cause of considerable legal
                      projects to be assessed for their implications upon the nature  angst has been at which point mitigation measures should
                      conservation objectives of a European designated site.  be considered by the competent authority – a key issue in
                      Whilst the Habitats Regulations have been on the statute  determining whether there is a need to undertake an
                      book for a considerable period, it is only in the last couple  appropriate assessment, or whether the proposal can be
                      of years that their impact has been fully appreciated and  sifted out of further consideration under the Regulation
                      used as a sharp instrument by NIMBY groups (and some  48 process.  In short, should the competent authority ignore
                      local planning authorities) to blunt the expeditious  mitigation measures in concluding upon the implications
                      determination of planning applications.            of the proposal, undertake an appropriate assessment and
                         Regulation 48 of the Habitats Regulations 1994 requires  then factor in the mitigation, or treat the mitigation as an
                      a competent authority, either the local planning authority  integral part of the proposals?
                      or the Secretary of State, as relevant, to assess prior to the
                      grant of planning consent, the implications of a development  Decision
                      proposal (either alone or in combination with other plans  An area  which has attracted no less than five publicly
                      or projects) upon the conservation objectives of a  debated Leading Counsel’s opinions has now been
                      designated European site (Special Protection Area).  The  substantially clarified by the High Court judgment of Mr
                      correct method by which such an appropriate assessment  Justice Sullivan in litigation concerning a proposal for a
                      should be undertaken has been the cause of considerable  housing development at Dilly Lane, Hartley Wintney in
                      legal uncertainty, and hence delay to numerous proposals.  Hampshire. Appeals against the refusal of planning

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