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P. 33

100  The UK draft Marine Bill  :  Wotton  [2008] 3 Env. Liability
                      The meaning of sea includes any area submerged at mean  offshore of NI, but separate legislation may be put in
                      high water spring tide and the waters of every estuary, river  place for NI to deal with its own territorial waters.
                      or channel, so far as the tide flows at mean high water spring  • Scotland – Scottish ministers taking forward separately.
                         The Bill also provides for the preparing of a marine  The draft Bill sets down procedure for preparation of these
                      policy statement (MPS). It is anticipated that this will be  Marine Plans, which will be supplemented by guidance
                      prepared jointly by the UK government, the Welsh Assembly  expected to be developed over the next two years. Again,
                      Government (WAG) and the Northern Ireland assembly. 2  there will be consultation on the Marine Plans but no public
                      The MPS will set out a framework of high level objectives  examination.
                      for the marine environment and how it should be managed. 3  When determining an application for development of
                      It will reflect the strategic goals of the government and  the marine environment, the decision maker will consider
                      devolved administrations which were developed in response  both the MPS and the regional Marine Plan.
                      to the ‘Seas of Change’ consultation. These objectives are
                      likely to be consulted on later this year, which will be the  Part 3: Marine licensing
                      first step in development of the MPS.              The draft Bill consolidates and modernises the existing
                         The government states that the first MPS is expected  licensing regime, which exists through the Food and
                      to be in place within two years of Royal Assent. This is an  Environment Protection Act 1985 and the Coast Protection
                      admirable aspiration but we can expect there to be  Act 1949. There have been amendments to these Acts over
                      considerable input from interested parties on the content  the years, and this has resulted in a complex, overlapping
                      of the MPS (both during the drafting phase and when  system in need of change. The new licensing system is
                      consulted upon) which will delay the process. Similar to  intended to be simpler, faster, less costly and proportionate.
                      National Policy Statements (NPSs), there is no provision  There will be a single consenting process for decisions that
                      for public examination of the content.             are currently subject to different procedural rules under
                         It will be interesting to see how the MPS is developed,  the Acts mentioned above. This will also enable the licensing
                      and whether the proposals elicit the same level of  authority to consider all of the relevant factors
                      Parliamentary debate as the NPS did when the Planning  simultaneously.
                      Bill was introduced. Concerns were raised about whether  For those projects which straddle the land/sea boundary,
                      the process for making NPSs was robust. As a result of this,  and where issues of flood risk and land drainage arise, the
                      there have been amendments to the Planning Bill which  MMO may, with the collaboration and consent of the
                      require there to be parliamentary scrutiny of any new NPS  Environment Agency, incorporate the necessary flood risk
                      or amendments to an NPS. We are likely to see the Marine  management and land drainage conditions as part of the
                      Bill being similarly amended.                      licence.
                         In addition to the MPS, the draft Bill proposes separate  Clause 59 of the draft Bill prohibits the carrying on of a
                      Marine Plans which will be prepared for the ‘marine  ‘licensable marine activity’, or causing or permitting
                      planning regions’. There will be different planning  another person to carry out such an activity, except in
                      authorities responsible for these regions:         accordance with a marine licence. ‘Licensable marine
                                                                         activities’ include deposits at sea, scuttling, construction,
                      • England - UK government departments (in most cases  dredging  and incineration.
                         this will be the MMO) for waters off the coast of  Two of the most high profile types of marine
                         England and the entire offshore area of Great Britain  development will be affected by the proposals: harbour
                         beyond 12 nautical miles.                       developments and off-shore wind farms.
                      • Wales - WAG for Welsh territorial waters.           With regards to harbour developments, these currently
                      • Northern Ireland - Northern Ireland departments will  require more than one consent issued by different
                         agree plans with the UK government for the waters  government departments. Under the proposals in the draft
                                                                         Bill a single body, the MMO in the case of England, will be
                                                                         the decision maker. The Harbours Act 1964 will also be

                         2  As mentioned above, Scotland will have a separate, although
                         likely similar, system.                            4  This does not affect the rights of harbour authorities to carry
                         3  Similar to the National Policy Statements proposed by the  out maintenance dredging where that is permitted by a local Act or
                         Planning Bill.                                     Harbour Order.

                                                     ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY PUBLISHED BY LAWTEXT PUBLISHING LIMITED
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