Page 214 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 214

214                    An Account of the

               DATE         NAMES              BUSINESS OR   RESIDENCE
               1903 Dec. 8   J  BOUTELL, Francis Hepburn     Avenida de Mayo,
                            Chevallier. (P.M. Victoria L.    Buenos A yres
                            2329 B. Ayres.) D.G.Sec.,
                            Argentine Republic; D.G.M.
                            Argentine Republic, 08-14;
                            D.G.M. S. America, Southern
                            Division, ‘14-27; R. 21.2.27;
                            d. ‘37. Presented Loving
                            Cup, to be drunk to “The
                            Brethren Overseas”, ‘15 . (SJ
               1905 Apl 11   J  HOBDELL, Capt. Wm.
                            Fisher. (Cornhill L. 1803.)
                            Capt. 5th Btn. Manchester
                            Regt. (Militia) 1898; retired
                            ‘05; Temp. Capt. Army, ‘09.
                            Served in S. African War,
                            1899-1900, as Staff. Capt. on
                            lines of communication.
               1906 Apl. 10  I  TAHOURDIN, Capt.             65 Evelyn
                            Spencer Maxwell. R. 11.2.13.     Gardens, S.W.
                            d. 8.2.16, in Mesopotamia,
                            of wounds received on day
                            before. Entered Indian Army
                            from Sandhurst in 1895; 20
                            years’ service chiefly with
                            12th Cavalry. W.M. Allahabad
                            L. ‘13-14; P.D.G.W. (Bengal)
               1906 Dec. 11  I  ETLINGER, Henry. C.M.
                            10.12.12. 2nd Lieut. N.
                            Staffordshire Regt. ‘02; Capt.
                            11; to Indian Army, ’12; d
                            wounds received in action,
               1908 Dec. 8  I  RUFFER, Henry. W.M. ‘15.d.  Banker  Sydenham
                            in July reported 17·10.27·
               1909 Dec. 14  I  MACMORRAN, Jas.   Secretary of Public
                            Mackenzie. W.M. ‘16. d. rep.   Companies .
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