Page 216 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 216

216                    An Account of the

               DATE         NAMES              BUSINESS OR   RESIDENCE
               1919 Feb. 11  I  HENNELL, Chas. Murray.
                            Temp. 2nd Lieut. RE.
                            17; Lieut. R.F.C. ‘17;
                            Technical Officer. Resigned
                            Commission on account
                            of illness contracted on
                            active service, 11.12.18, and
                            granted rank of Capt. W.M.
                            ‘26. R. 20.2.28; d.  ’29
               1919 Feb. 11  I  BLUNT, Wm. Williams.
                            R 9.12.24
               1919 Apl. 8  I  WISEMAN, Wm. Ralph
                            Baldwin, C.E. 2nd. Lieut.
                            5th Btn. Hampshire Regt.
                            ‘13; Capt. Labour Corps,
                            ‘17; to R.F.C. ‘18; continued
                            employment at Air Ministry
                            with rank of Capt., after
                            resigning Commission ‘22. R
               1919 Nov.11  I  DAWSON Philip John Capt.  Lieut. RFA  Maybourne,
                         # W.M. .’28, ’46, ’77; PGD          Sydenham
                            d 7.2.90 (SJ 1937)  72
               1920 Nov. 9  I  CAMPBELL, Rt: Hon.
                            Robt. Brooke, Baron
                            Abinger. Asst. Paymaster,
                            R.N.R, ‘15; Paymaster Lieut.
                            RN. Volunteer Reserve, ‘17.
                            R 28.6.17. d. 27
               1921 Feb. 8  I  ADAM, Dr John Douglas.
                            R 9.2.25.
               1923 Mar. 13  J  ARMSTRONG, Commdr.
                            F. P., O.B.E. (late St Mary
                            Magdalen L. No. 1523).
                            Commdr. R Naval Reserve
                            10.8.14; at Admiralty, ‘14-16;
                            Commanded Yacht Patrol,
                            Portsmouth, and Coast
                            Motor-boat Base, Haslar,
                            ‘16-18. Assist. Maintce. Capt.,
                            Portsmouth, ‘19-20.
                            d. reported 15.2.26

             72  Prolific Lodge Archivist. 1st Son Philip Dawson (J 1897 Feb. 9).
             assisted Alan Foxley preparing the History on which this is based.
             See also Appendix E for further details.
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