Page 168 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 168

168                    An Account of the

                Nothing more was heard of the matter; similar proposals have since been made
             from time to time with the same result.
                12 February 1901. “...The Lodge of the Nine Muses hereby records its
             profound sorrow on the lamented death of Her late Most Gracious Majesty
             Queen Victoria, with expressions of sympathy with, and congratulations on his
             accession to, H.M. King Edward VII.” The Queen had died on January 22. The
             present generation can form little idea of the shock felt at the death of Queen
             Victoria, who had been on the throne since 1837. No one much under eighty
             had any but childish recollections of the years before her accession; through evil
             and good report she had held her own amid giants throughout two generations,
             and had achieved in her lifetime a kind of legendary immortality. The writer,
             though the loyal subject of successive kings, believes he is not alone in hesitating
             for an instant before recognising the most familiar of anthems as anything but
             “God save the Queen”.
                The minutes contain no reference to the accessions or coronations of George IV,
             William IV, or Victoria, or to the deaths of those two Kings or that of George III.
                12 December  1901.  A  petition was signed, at the instance of Bro. Lord
             Templetown, for application to the Grand Lodge for the formation of a new
             Lodge to be called The Lodge of Erin. The Lodge, No. 2895, was formed in 1902,
             and meets in London.
                [11 November 1902] The W.M. suggested that it might be expedient for the
             Lodge to adopt the practice in vogue at some Lodges of having one meeting in
             the year to which no visitors were invited in order to discuss the internal affairs
             of the Lodge.
                A committee appointed to consider the proposal reported on 10 February 1903,
                That it is desirable from time to time as occasion may arise to afford facilities
             for discussing matters appertaining to the internal affairs of the Lodge and that
             the March meeting would be a convenient meeting to set apart for the purpose
             provided at the previous meeting it be so arranged as the result of a Report of a
             Committee previously appointed which sets forth the special matters it is deemed
             desirable to discuss in the absence of visitors. Upon such an evening members
             will request their guests to attend the Banquet only.
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