Page 13 - Linacre 50 years
P. 13

Linacre College

                                                                                                                                          1962—1963: The First Term

                      Linacre House was formally established                                                                                                             They included a mix of ages (the oldest was 68), subjects and naƟonaliƟes, including an Irish

                                                                                                                                                                         missionary priest, a female Turkish engineer, a colonel in the Israeli army, a Japanese Professor of
                      on 1st August 1962, and the first intake

                                                                                                                                                                         Economics and an American nun—”a real exercise in internaƟonal co-operaƟon and in the cross-

                                 of students arrived in October 1962.                                                                                                    ferƟlizaƟon of subjects”.

                                           Linacre has been born.

                                                          May it flourish!

                                                              THE FIRST DINNER

                         … So I was anxious before [the first College]

                             dinner that evening. My nerves were not

                             improved when Rosie Low, our cook cum

                                housekeeper, came to me half an hour

                        beforehand to announce that she hadn’t got

                    enough knives and forks for all those who were

                     dining. (Kathleen Smith drove me to Wadham,

                        whence I borrowed enough cutlery from the

                         Steward to see us through). I need not have

                      worried. From the moment we all sat down it

                   was clear from the sound (which in the hall was

                         considerable) that all was well. As someone

                       said, it was as if the College had always been

                              there. At the end of the dinner I made a

                   speech, and I finished with a toast: “Linacre has

                                      been born. May it flourish!” It has.

                                                        John Bamborough, Linacre College:

                                                                                                                The First Dinner                                         Menu from the first dinner, with  signatures of

                                                                                                                                                                         aƩendees, including John Bamborough,                                                                                                                   Man Mohan with Rashid Halloway, first

                  MatriculaƟon Day, October 1962                                                                                                                         Dorothy Hodgkin, and Gilbert Ryle.                                                                                                                     Linacre Common Room President
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