Page 8 - Centennial Sketch of the History of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 1877 UGLE
P. 8
NE HuNDRED yEARs ago the Lodge of the Nine Muses was
constituted a regular Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, its Charter,
Obearing date 25th March, A.5777, (A.D. 1777), being granted by Lord
Petre, at that time the Most Worshipful Grand Master of this most ancient and
honourable Order in England.
There is no existing record, so far as I have been able to ascertain, of the special
considerations which led to the adoption of the name by which this Lodge has
from the first been distinguished; nor has the Brother who originated this classical
and poetical designation handed his name down to us. However, I think, we may
congratulate ourselves upon this mythological tide appropriately designating a
Lodge formed to work our “beautiful system of morality, veiled in allegory and
illustrated by symbols”.
Our ancient and scientific Institution would naturally be an object of especial
solicitude to these Divine Maids who presided over the Arts and sciences.
Perchance it is owing to their watchful care during the past century that we tonight
are enabled to wear the jewels of the late Bro. Cipriani, who was among the first of
those Artists who thus offered libations to these daughters of Jupiter. An instance is
recorded in the Minutes of a Brother having successfully invoked the Poetic Muse,
for it appears that at one of the banquets he burst into song, ~ the libretto being
in honour of the Lodge. unfortunately, the secretary appears to have been too
much carried away by the songster to have preserved a copy of this poem; but as
it was received with rapturous applause, we may confidently assume that it was the
product of a true inspiration. And at any rate, during this long period of a century
in duration, the meetings of the Lodge, and the relations of the Brethren with each
other, appear generally to have been of the happiest kind.
Those gracious influences of light and harmony, which were supposed to be
imparted by the heavenly Nine to the souls whom they favoured with their visits
when they descended to the earth, have not been wanting among us. Tormenting
cares have been allayed in our assemblies, and the spirit of dignity, harmony, and
grace, which our name as a Lodge appears to invoke, has prevailed, and manifested
1 The Lodge constituted.
2 The name or title by which the Lodge is known.