Page 7 - Centennial Sketch of the History of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 1877 UGLE
P. 7

                 BrEThrEN Of ThE LODgE Of ThE NINE MuSES


            BIt has occurred to me that as this Centennial Anniversary falls in the
            year during which I have the honour, by your suffrages, to occupy the position
            of Master in the Lodge, it would fittingly mark my sense of the extreme interest
            of the occasion, and might not be unacceptable to you, were I to lay before you
            a slight sketch, from such materials as I have been able to gather, of the history
            of the Lodge from its foundation to the present time. I beg, therefore, to present
            you with these brief notes, with the assurance of my most brotherly regard, and
            with the earnest wish and hope that during the second century of its existence,
            upon which we now enter, the Lodge may be distinguished by a faithfulness to
            the principles of Masonry, and be favoured with a general prosperity, which shall
            at least show no falling off when compared with history upon which we now
            look back.

                                               WALTER WEBB, W.M., No. 235.
            8th May, 1877
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