Page 5 - Centennial Sketch of the History of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 1877 UGLE
P. 5


            To The officers, PasT MasTers, and BreThren of The Lodge
                of The nine Muses .....................................................................................7
            hisToricaL skeTch ...............................................................................................8
            Discovery of the hisTory of The firsT hundred years .................................... 37


            i    The nine Muses ......................................................................................... 25
            ii    The WarranT of consTiTuTion of The Lodge of nine Muses ................ 26
            iii    The cenTenary WarranT ......................................................................... 28
            iV    exTracT froM Tie Freemasons’ magazine for feBruary, 1796,
                giVing “soMe accounT of The Lodge of The nine Muses.” ..................... 30
            V   LisT of MasTers of The Lodge. .................................................................. 33
            Vi    LisT of furniTure, JeWeLs, and Books of The
                Lodge of  The nine Muses, no. 235. ........................................................ 34
            Vii  LisT of PresenT officers, PasT MasTers and MeMBers. ............................ 36
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