Page 16 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 16

16                     An Account of the

             his substantial accuracy. This account is of such interest as to warrant its being
             reproduced in full:

             On 14 January 1777, a Meeting was held at the “Thatched House Tavern”, St
             James’s Street, by the following:

                                 John Hull, Esq., as R.W.M.
                                 Raphael Franco, Esq., as S.W.
                              The Rev. Dr. William Dodd,  as J.W.
                              Robert Biggin, Esq., as Treasurer and
                             The Chevalier Bartholomew Ruspini.

                                    Richard Barker, Esq.
                                    William Porter, Esq.
                                 Jean Baptiste Cipriani, Esq.
                                      – Borghi, Esq

                On the 23rd following, having obtained permission of the Grand Master to
             assemble as Masons, and to make and raise Masons, till a constitution could be
             made out, Brother Cipriani was raised to the degree of a Master Mason.
                At this Meeting Brother Biggin  very generously offered to furnish a Bible
             and Jewels; at the same time Brother Cipriani engaged to suggest suitable and
             proper designs.
                An engraving from the elegant painting of the Right Worshipful Master’s Jewel
             is given in this number, executed by Leney, of whose abilities as an engraver we
             consider it as no inconsiderable specimen. Brother Raphael Franco, not willing to
             be outdone in liberality, engaged to supply the Lodge with three candlesticks, of
             which peculiarly elegant furniture we shall give a particular description at a future
             opportunity. Among those who have been made Masons, and admitted Members
             in this respectable Lodge at different periods since its institution, we find the

             3  He was expelled on 13 February following, “having behaved unbecoming a man of honour
                and a Mason.”
             4  See Page 164.
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