Page 11 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 11

Lodge of the Nine Muses                11

            take special care that all and every the said Brethren are or have been regularly
            made Masons and that they do observe perform and keep all the rules and orders
            contained in the Book of Constitutions and further that you do from time to
            time cause to be entered in a Book kept for that purpose an account of your pro-
            ceedings in the Lodge together with all such rules orders and regulations as shall
            be made for the good government of the same that in no wise you omit once
            in every Year to send to us or our Successors Grand Masters or to ROWLAND
            HOLT Efquire our Deputy Grand Mafter or to the Deputy Grand Mafter for
            the time being an account in writing of your said proceedings and Copies of all
            said Rules Orders and Regulations as shall be made as aforesaid together with
            a List of the Members of the Lodge and such a sum of money as may meet
            the circumstances of the Lodge and reasonably be expected towards the Grand
            Charity Moreover we hereby will and require you the said JOHN HULL as soon
            as conveniently may be to send an account in writing of what may be done by
            virtue of these presents
               GIVEN at London under our Hand & Seal of Masonry this 25th day of
            March AL,  5777  AD  1777 .
                                         By the Grand Master’s Command.
            Witnefs                                      RD. HOLT
              JAS. HESELTINE                                   D.G.M.

               The original warrant is still in the possession of the Lodge, and is exhibited at
            every meeting . In 1978 it was re-mounted, complete with its elaborate decoration,
            on the left hand side of a substantial protective case in which the Centenary and
            Bi-Centenary Warrants are displayed on the right. This is described in Chapter
            Eleven with the other furniture.
                The warrant is engrossed on vellum; the more important words are
            distinguished by larger letters of many different types and sizes; some of them
            and certain Masonic symbols in the margins are enriched with gold, now much
            tarnished. (See Plates 1 & 2)

            2  Warrants mounted together in a new case.
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