Page 17 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 17

Lodge of the Nine Muses                17

            following distinguished characters, and have considered it not unimportant to
            annex the dates respectively of their initiations or admissions:
            Francis Bartolozzi, Esq., made February 13th, 1777.
            Augustus Carlini, Esq., and Charles Frederick Abell, Esq., admitted
               December 11th, 1777.
            – Cramer, Esq., admitted January 8th, 1778.
            Felici Giardini, admitted March 12th, 1778.
            Count Siedlecki, Chamberlain to the King of Poland,  admitted
               June 11th, 1778.
            Lord Viscount Tamworth, made December 8th, 1778.
            His Excellency General Paoli, Count Giuseppe Poli, Count Aubanis Gentilli,
               and Count Cambiagi, made January 14th, 1779.
            Earl Ferrers, admitted June, 1779.
            His Excellency Count Cavelli, Venetian Ambassador, admitted
               February 15th, 1779.
            Earl of Effmgham, admitted March 15th, 1779.
            His Excellency Francis D’Ageno, Minister from the Court of Genoa, made
               April 19th, 1779.
            Right Hon. Lord Cranstown, made December 10th, 1779
            John Zoffani, Esq., and Right Hon. Earl Kelly, admitted December 20th.
            Sir Robert Salusbury Cotton, Bart., admitted April 17th, 1780.
            The Hon. Washington Shirley, made April 4th, 1782.
            Hon. Wm. Ward, made January 9th, 1783.
            Marquis Paul de Arconati, Viscount of Milan, made February 13th, 1783.
            Lord Macdonald, admitted ditto.
            Count de Ceyras, made November 7th, 1783.
            Count Soderini;Venetian Ambassador, made February 2nd, 1787.
            Count Gaetano Tosio, of  Venice, and Count Barziza, made
               February 13th, 1787.
            Marquis Trotti, admitted ditto.
            Count Andrea Bosel1i, made March 2nd, 1787.
            Count Savedra, admitted ditto.
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