Page 137 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 137

Lodge of the Nine Muses               137

               The Lodge holds the Hall Stone Medal of 1922, and is also one of the Lodges
            which qualified for the medal conferred on those subscribing to the original
            Freemasons’ Hall, dedicated in 1776.
               There is a curious minute under 11 November 1816: “Ordered that the Hall
            Medal be hereafter worn by the Treasurer of this lodge as the designation of his
            office”, and the medal is mentioned in the inventory taken in April 1835.
               Unfortunately at some later time the medal was lost; but on 9 April 1895 a
            replica was presented to the Lodge. The gift was prompted apparently by the
            address, given to the Lodge at the previous meeting by the late Bro. Sadler, in
            which, as has been mentioned before, the subject was treated in considerable
               The very interesting minute may be quoted at length:
               [9 April 1895] The Secretary submitted a communication as follows:

               The Hall Medal once belonging to the Lodge of the Nine Muses having
            been lost and Bro Frederick Neild W.M. having had a Replica of it struck by the
            Medallist to the British Museum now presented it to the Lodge./It was proposed
            by Bro. Secretary ... and resolved unanimously /That the Replica of the Hall
            Medal now presented to the Lodge by Bro. Frederick Neild W.M. be and it is
            hereby accepted by the Brethren in open Lodge assembled and that it be added
            to the list of the property of the Lodge and that it be henceforth worn by the
            W.M. for the time being at all future Lodge meetings until time or circumstances
            restore the original Medal which was issued to the Lodge by virtue of permission
            granted by the Grand Lodge in Extraordinary Session on the 21st June 1779 as is
            thus set forth in the Grand Lodge Minute Book: viz–
               That a subscription be entered into of a sum not less than £25 each to be lent to
               the Society without interest upon an engagement of the Grand Lodge to pay off
               the debt in equal proportions and at such times as the Hall Fund will admit ....
               That as a mark of distinction for the service thus rendered by relieving the Society
               from the annual payment of a large sum for interest upon the present debt each
               subscriber shall be complimented with a Medal of such form and value as the
               Grand Lodge determine, with a motto suitable to the occasion ... and if any Lodge
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