Page 134 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 134

134                    An Account of the

                Bro. Edwards Harper was Grand Secretary from 1813 to 1838.
                The jewels have run other risks; for on 11 August 1870 “The Secretary was
             requested to write to Mr Bacon of the Clarendon Hotel”, where the Lodge was
             then meeting, “calling his attention to the damage by water of the Lodge Jewels
             and Bible whilst in his charge, and asking his explanation of the same. Brother
             Addison was requested and kindly consented to take chge of the Bible & submit
             it to the inspection of Mefs Willis & Sothern of Charing + for their opinion as
             to its restoration.”
                The Secretary’s letter brought a reply from Mr Bacon (13 December 1870),
             “in which he denied his liability for the damage done to the Lodge property ....
             And a letter was read from Br. Spencer enclosing bill for cleaning & repairing
             the Lodge Jewels & Cases injured by water, in which he called attention to the
             damaged condition of the badge ribbons, and offered to supply new ones.” The
             Lodge did not rise to the fly.
                The difficulty with Mr Bacon was presumably settled satisfactorily; there is no
             further allusion to it in the minutes, but as the accounts show no payment to Bro.
             Spencer it looks as if Mr Bacon eventually paid for the damage; he paid at any rate
             on 5 December 1873 £2.10s. “for damaged Bible”, as the account-book shows.
                Bro. Spencer did his work well, for whatever the injury to the jewels may have
             been there is little trace of it now; a few scratches may be found on close examination.
                To return, the minutes for 11 November 1834 contain the following
             unexplained item: “The Jeweller’s bill was  stated to the Lodge &  after some
             discufsion directed to be paid by the Treasurer.”

                On 8 June 1841
                ... it was unanimously resolved That a Jewel not exceeding in price £10, should
             be presented to Brother John Propert P.M. for his eminent services as Master of this
             Lodge for the two preceeding years, and as a testimony of the affection of the brethren
             who are its members, for his continued attention to the duties of the Lodge, and the
             happinefs of all connected with it. Resolved, That the selection of the Jewel ... be left
             to the choice of the Worshipful Master and Brother Savory and that it be prepared in
             time to be presented at the Summer Meeting of the Lodge at Richmond.
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