Page 107 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 107

Lodge of the Nine Muses               107

            that the bond of fraternal affection which for so long has united them to Bro.
            Heseltine may be strengthened and renewed as year by year – on their retiring
            from labour to refreshment – that loving cup is circulated. The cup bears the
            following inscription “From Francis Jones Heseltine Treasurer to commemorate
            the 30th year of his membership, and as a token of fraternal regard 1869-1899.”
            Resolved That a copy of the foregoing resolution inscribed on vellum be sent to
            Bro. Heseltine P.M.

               Bro. Heseltine was initiated in the Lodge on 13 April 1869, and on his retirement
            in November 1908 was elected an honorary member; he died on 20 March 1913.
            He was Secretary in 1871, W. Master in 1873, and Treasurer from 1882 to 1907.
               That the language of the minute, a characteristic specimen of Bro. WaIter
            Webb’s manner, is not exaggerated, the accompanying Plate 4 will prove.
               The cup is of silver gilt, and is elaborately enriched with acanthus foliage.
            The cover is of ivory, adorned with figures of the nine Muses, and topped by a
            statuette of Apollo after a familiar classical model. The figures, like the cup, are in
            silver gilt. The cup and cover measure 14¾ inches high without the stand.
               The second cup, see Plate 4, is of silver and has no cover;  it was the gift of Bro.
            F. H. Chevallier Boutell, District Grand Master of South America, Southern Division
            (which includes the Argentine, Chile and Uruguay). The thanks of the Lodge were
            voted to Bro. Boutell on 14 December 1915 “for his generous gift made to the Lodge
            at the April Banquet of a Loving Cup that the toast of  ‘The Brethren overseas’ should
            be honoured whenever the Cup is passed round at our banquets”.
               The donor’s wish is religiously carried out; as the cup is circulated each
            Brother in turn drinks with the words “To the Brethren overseas”.
               The cylindrical stand, also of silver, bears the following inscription:

               April 13. 1915. To the Brethren of the Lodge of the “Nine Muses” N .  235. A
            fraternal token from R. Wor. Bro. F. H. Chevallier Boutell. District Grand Master,
            South America, Southern Division.
                    Here’s to you all The Best of the Best
                    Here’s a brotherly Greeting from one in the West.

            35  From the bequest left to the Lodge by W.Bro. Norman Latchford a fluted cover, matching
               the cup, was added in 1985. See Footnote 46, p. 124.
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