Page 109 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 109

Lodge of the Nine Muses               109

               The cup and stand together are 12¾ inches in height.
               On 13 October 1908, a “Recreation Banquet” was held in honour of Bro.
            Boutell’s appointment as District Grand Master for the Argentine, three days
            before he left England to take up his duties. To the toast of his health “Bro.
            F. Chevallier Boutell responded in a felicitous speech. He gave an interesting
            account of Masonic work in the Republic and the extent of the territory and the
            number of Lodges over which he was called to rule and attributed the honour
            conferred on him in a large measure to his membership of this Lodge.”
               Brother Boutell’s memory is still cherished in the Lodge. His vast journeys and
            colossal labours in the cause of Masonry in South America belong to the history
            of the Craft, and cannot be more than mentioned here. He died as recently as
            1937.  36
               While the cups go round the ceremonial guarding of the drinker’s back is
            practised, though some Masonic authorities hold that the presence of the Tyler
            makes this meaningless.
               The alms-box passed round at the banquets was presented to the Lodge by Bro.
            Warner in February 1863, and a case for it was ordered in the March following.
            The alms-box was repaired (by Bro. Staples) in 1874, and again in 1892 at a cost
            of £8. 10s. 37
               It takes the form of a circular temple in classical style, with a domed cover.
            The temple is 12 inches high and the diameter of the base is 6¼ inches. The
            colonnade consists of five columns, each respectively of one of the “five noble
            Orders of Architecture”, a solecism pardonable and even piquant on so small a
               This graceful little temple is beautifully made, and the details are executed
            with much refinement (see Plate 5). The three steps of the “podium” are of ebony
            and the square pavement is of ebony and ivory. The columns and upper parts
            are of ivory; a silver band round the top is inscribed “Presented to the Lodge of
            the Nine Muses, No. 286, by Brother Algernon Warner, P.M. and Treasurer. Bro.
            Oswald Lee Rasch W.M. 1863.”
               Bro. Warner was W.M. in 1855 and 1856 and as Treasurer from 1862 to 1869
            nursed the funds of the Lodge through a lean time.

            36  W. Bro Boutell never managed to become W.M. On several occasion he was appointed
               Warden in anticipation but he was never able to be present. He was also exalted in Phoenix
               Chapter No. 173 and likewise was unable to become a Principal.
            37  Further repairs were found to be essential in 1988 and completed by Bro. W.R.C.Dawson.
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