Page 102 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 102

102                    An Account of the

                [14 March 1837] The businefs of the day was concluded and the Lodge closed
             in solemn prayer when the Members retired to a Banquet and enjoyed the
             evening with Masonic affection and hilarity.
                Bro. Crew’s minutes usually end in this way, but seldom twice alike: [12 March
             1839] ... the brethren ... pafsed the evening in harmony and brotherly feeling
             afsisted by the profefsional ability and kindnefs of Brothers Parry and Fitzwilliam.
                (The second name should actually be Fitzwilliams.)
                These Brothers appear thus in the list of those present:
                                        Visittors       Introduced by
                      Br. Parry       No 2 profefs.         W.M.
                      Br. Fitzwilliam    ,,    ,,           W.M.

                These Brothers belonged to a body of professional musicians attached to the
             Lodge of Antiquity, No. 2, and known as Honorary Members of the Second Class.
                The writer has to thank R. W. Bro. Sir Kynaston Studd, the present Secretary,
             for calling his  attention to  passages  in the printed History of  the Lodge of
             Antiquity bearing on the matter.
                Persons who had enabled the Lodge to acquire, either by purchase or gift, its
             collection of songs, glees, catches, etc., were:
             elected Hon. Members for the purpose of forming a choir during the ceremonies,
             and of singing after the banquet. These generally numbered about 15, and included
             John Parry, the elder, Richard Clark and T. L. Bellamy, who had both published
             collections of glees, and Samuel Wesley, G. Organist. [All or whom were of sufficient
             importance to be included in the Dictionary of National Biography.] We find also
             in the Minutes of May 21, 1813, that 14 Brethren were initiated and admitted
             as members “to assist the Musical Department”. Their names are entered in the
             Grand Lodge Register, where it is stated that they were Members of the Band
             belonging to· H.R.H. The Duke of Kent, and were admitted as Serving Brethren of
             the Lodge. They are only once more mentioned in the Minutes, when, on January
             25, 1815, at four o’clock, the Band of the Lodge being in attendance, His Royal
             Highness the G.M. entered as Master of the Lodge and took his seat.
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