Page 14 - Thinking of becoming a Freemason
P. 14

UGLE is governed by           Regalia                                The Lodge room

                 The Grand Master,           Dress code                             All Lodges are arranged in a similar manner:
               The Most Worshipful           The dress code in most lodges is similar:  see diagram opposite for details.
                His Royal Highness              a dark lounge suit.                 Key      Position in Lodge
                                                an appropriate tie.
                 the Duke of Kent
                                                white shirt.                        WM       Worshipful Master
                                                white gloves.                       IPM      Immediate Past Master
                                                black shoes.                        GO       Grand Officer
                                                                                    SW       Senior Warden
                                                                                    JW       Junior Warden
                                             The aprons of Three Degrees in Freemasonry
                                                                                    CH       Chaplain
                                             and London Grand Rank are shown below and
                                                                                    TRE      Treasurer
                                             are attached round the waist of the wearer.
                                                                                    SEC      Secretary
                                                                                    DC       Director of Ceremonies
                                                                                    ALM      Almoner
                                                                                    ChS      Charity Steward
                                                                                    AsS      Assistant Secretary
                                                                                    SD       Senior Deacon
                                                                                    JD       Junior Deacon
                                                                                    ADC      Assistant Director of Ceremonies
                                                                                    IG       Inner Guard
                                                                                    OR       Organis
                                                                                    ST       Steward
                                                                                    TY       Tyler

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