Page 11 - Thinking of becoming a Freemason
P. 11
Officers of the Lodge Inner Guard The Master (Worshipful Master)
The Inner Guard sits just inside the The Master is elected by the Lodge
In most Lodges there are eleven non-progressive
door of the Lodge. He is responsible members every year and is then
officers and seven progressive officers.
for checking that all those who enter installed in to his office. He is
Lodge officers are recognisable by the jewels the Lodge are qualified to do so. usually Master for one year. He is in charge
suspended from their Lodge collars (these are of the Lodge during his tenure of office and
Junior and Senior Deacons
illustrated below) and from the positions they acts as its chairman.
The Deacons accompany the candidate
occupy in a Lodge.
during the ceremonies of the Three He also normally conducts the ceremonies in
The Progressive Officers Degrees in the Lodge. The collar the Lodge. Being elected and installed as
jewel for both Deacons is identical. Master is the highest honour a Lodge can
Usually, each year a Brother would progress
They carry a wand as a badge of their office. bestow on any of its members.
through these offices on a path from
Steward, via the Deacons and Wardens, to Junior and Senior Wardens The Non-Progressive Officers
the highest honour within a Lodge – the The Senior Warden sits opposite
These offices are usually occupied by members
Worshipful Master. the Master at the West end of
who are Past Masters of the Lodge and tend to
the Lodge and is usually the
However, each office is subject to the choice be occupied by the same person for a number
next Master. The Junior
of the Master for the year. of years, to provide continuity and experience.
Warden sits in the South of the Lodge and will
Steward normally progress to Senior Warden. It is the They are also appointed by the Master annually,
This is the first office held in the Lodge. role of the Junior Warden to ensure that no except the Treasurer and Tyler, who are elected.
The Stewards’ main function is to unqualified person enters the Lodge. Although The Immediate Past Master is normally the
assist at the dinner following the their roles are different, they work together preceding year’s WM. Some Lodges formally
Lodge meeting (the Festive Board). by assisting the Master in running the Lodge. appoint a Mentor to look after new members.