Page 13 - Thinking of becoming a Freemason
P. 13

Charity Steward                    Organist
          The role of the Charity Steward is to  The Organist’s role is to provide the music for
          organise the charity collections in the  the meetings and ceremonies. Most Lodges
          Lodge and to suggest to the Lodge to  do not have a member with the necessary
          which charities (Masonic or non-Masonic)  skills to play the organ and so rely on
          the members may wish to subscribe.  professional Masonic organists.

          Assistant Director of Ceremonies –
          The role of the ADC is to assist and
          to understudy the Director of
          Ceremonies in his office.
          Assistant Secretary
          The role of the Assistant Secretary is to
          help and understudy the Secretary. In
          some Lodges he has responsibility for
          the dining arrangements.

          The Tyler guards the outside of the door
          to the entrance of the Lodge. It is usually                              The three Great Principles
          undertaken by an experienced member of
                                                                                    upon which Freemasonry
          the Lodge and is an elected office. He has
                                                                                   is based are Brotherly Love,
          responsibility for preparing the candidates  Above: a collar with a jewel attached – in
          prior to their entering the Lodge.  this instance the Almoner’s               Relief and Truth

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