Page 103 - Amo Amass A-muse is some of the fruit of a lifetimes love of Freemasonry - the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235
P. 103

Amo Amass A-Muse - Lodge of the Nine Muses    103

            or to have the V.O.S.L. ever open at their meetings. These Lodges were generated by the
            French Revolution and continued by the Communists and those that have no belief in
            GOD. Towards the end of that century, we were forbidden to recognise them as Brother
            Freemasons. The most recent advent of the ‘Permissive Society’ greatly encouraged by
            the communists as a means of weakening the resolve of the Free World, has resulted in a
            tightening up of our rules to prevent intercourse of any kind with Irregular Freemasons.
            The wisdom of this course cannot be denied. No atheist could possibly be a Regular
            Freemason, except as a spy, because clearly he cannot believe in religious truths or virtue.
            Such Lodges may well become a cover for subversive activities against Church or State. 81
               Admission to our Society is not free. Candidates must be known to be good citizens
            and be living above subsistence level. Yet in our teaching emphasis is put on Charity which
            blesses him who gives as much as him that receives. We are completely opposed to the
            view, now so often expressed, that Charity is a ‘dirty word’ because it is supposed to be
            undignified to receive, except from the State, and shows some kind of superiority to give.
            However we do believe in giving and receiving anonymously.
               The great purpose of our Craft is to practise outside the Lodge what we have been
            taught within it and so to prove to the World its happy and beneficial effects. Alas the
            World is not a happy place at present. All about us we see selfishness and greed.
               In this connection, I am reminded of that beautiful piece of prose which was quoted
            by our late Sovereign, King George VI, in his Christmas broadcast of 1939, when War had
            broken out and all were aghast :—”And I said to the man who stood at the Gate of the
            Year, — Give me a Light that I may tread safely into the unknown. And he replied — Go
            into the Darkness and put your hand into the hand of GOD. That shall be to you better
            than a Light and Safer than a known way.”
               This had much the same meaning as a very old Masonic Motto.

               “A Light shining in the Darkness. But the Darkness comprehended it not.”
               Brethren, let us never forget that the first of our Great Lights is there to Rule and
            Guide our Faith.

            P.J.D.   January 1980
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