Page 10 - Amo Amass A-muse is some of the fruit of a lifetimes love of Freemasonry - the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235
P. 10

                     Gleanings from the Past – Present Jottings – and – Future Museings
                           AMO      AMASS       A-MUSE
                               by  W.Bro. P.J. Dawson O.B.E., P.J.G.D.
              Plate 1 - Family grouP Painted by nathanial hone r.a. .............................................. 8
              gleanings From the Past ................................................................................................ 12
              Plate 2 - rusPini’s Coat oF arms .................................................................................... 12
              the ConneCtions oF the earls Ferrers and the nine muses .............................. 13
              arConati ..................................................................................................................... 15
              Plate 3 - Portrait oF three artists ............................................................................... 18
              Plate 4 - selF Portrait oF CiPriani in the uFFizi gallery, FlorenCe ......................... 19
              our CoPy oF the selF-Portrait oF CiPriani .................................................................. 20
              Plate 5 - illustration oF thomas howard, 3rd earl oF eFFingham .......................... 21
              thomas howard, 3rd earl oF eFFingham ..................................................................... 22
              Plate 6 - Portrait oF CiPriani as a Child b.1727-d.1785 ............................................. 23
              Plate 7 - etChing oF Jewel worn by r.w.m.
                  (now w.m the rev. baron Johann augustus von starCk) ................................. 24
              the rev. baron Johann augustus von starCk ............................................................ 25
              thomas harPer and the nine muses ............................................................................ 28
              rusPini’s letter ............................................................................................................... 30
              burying the hatChet ...................................................................................................... 32
              the imPortanCe oF rusPini to masoniC history ...................................................... 35
              the dove oF PeaCe and the olive branCh ................................................................... 38
              Plate 8 - etChing oF Jewel worn by P.m. ....................................................................... 39
              the nine muses and the r.m.i.g. ................................................................................. 40
              Plate 9 - etChing oF Jewel worn by s.w. ....................................................................... 42
              the row between Jas. savage and Chas. bonnor in the lodge oF Promulgation ... 43
              masonry in business a Charge by the Chevalier boutell ......................................... 45
              Plate 10 - etChing oF Jewel worn by J.w. ...................................................................... 47
              museings ............................................................................................................................ 48
              Plate 11 -  Jewel worn by treasurer ............................................................................ 50
              early masoniC songs to the muses............................................................................... 51
              Plate 12 -  a ConCert tiCket oF 1783............................................................................ 53
              Plate 13 -  etChing oF Jewel worn by sevretary ......................................................... 56
              nine — the mystiC number ........................................................................................ 57
              the Pedigrees oF the muses ............................................................................................ 59
              Present Jottings ............................................................................................................... 61
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