Page 8 - Ickford NP Sustainability Heritage Assessment
P. 8


               Key views and vistas                               located towards the front of their plots, these buildings
                                                                  also serve to contain views.  Some buildings are thrown
                                                                  into visual prominence by virtue of their position to road
                 Long distance views.                             junctions, pinch points, or bends in the roads. Significant

               Ickford is a low lying village in the flood plain, surrounded  examples are mentioned below:
               by open countryside. As a result views into and out of the  Church area: The view along Church Road is linear,
               village are important, particularly on the footpaths from  and initially terminates in the white painted Church Farm
               Worminghall to the west, where there is a degree of visual  Cottage. This lane has an open aspect due to the brook that
               connectivity between the villages.                 runs along the roadside. On reaching Church Farm Cottage,
                                                                  where the road forks, there is a pleasing vista of  Church
                                                                  Farm and outbuildings, The Grange, and the gabled roof of
                                                                  St Nicholas’s Church. The Old Rectory is more hidden,
                                                                  but former Village Reading Room, hard to the roadside,
                                                                  funnels the view down to the churchyard gate.
                                                                    Little Ickford is particularly picturesque. There is a
                                                                  constrained view down to The Close and Manor Farm,
               View accross pasture towards Worminghall           terminated by the gables of the historic buildings. Historic
                  The cluster of historic buildings around the Rising Sun  buildings line either side of the road, exhibiting a wealth of
               are prominent in views across the open ridge and furrow  traditional features and building materials. Views up this
               pasture, the patterns of their rooflines a pleasing  lane take in the imposing New Manor House/6 and Ickford
               juxtaposition of shapes, punctuated by mature trees. Views  House, which create a pinch point with the village pond
               from the west towards the church are more limited by the  beyond. Bulls Lane curves around to the east, and a variety
               tree cover, although the gables of The Grange are visible.  of residential buildings lie on the northern side.
               The rooflines of houses on Farm Close are also visible in  Sheldon Road: Looking east to the junction with
               the landscape from this vantage point.             Bridge Road there is a pleasing collection of white rendered
                  Views out of the village to the west take in the low-  gables and slate roofs created by the grouping of historic
               lying fields between Ickford and Worminghall. The tree  cottages at this point.
               cover in Worminghall village dominates the vista, with  Beyond these there is a further view that takes in the
               glimpses of houses and the willows that line the   brick cottages leading up to the road junction by the pond.
               watercourses being particularly picturesque.       There are also views across the hayfield to the rear of
                  Views to the east are towards Shabbington. This village  historic buildings on Sheldon Road, in particular the Old
               is set on a ridge of higher land and is thus easily visible. The  Shop and Elvan Cottage, and the former Baptist chapel.
               rooflines of houses are more dominant in the view as a  Bridge Road: Beyond Whirlpool Farm, houses line
               result of lesser tree cover.                       the eastern side of the road. Hunters House has an imposing
                  Long range views into the village from the south are  façade and there is a borrowed view  through a gap between
               limited by the curve of the road and the height of the double  this and the more built up part of Bridge Road. The view
               bridge, with a longer range view of the village curtailed by  east is across pastureland towards Little Ickford.
               the agricultural buildings at Whirlpool Farm. Once past  There is a pinch point created where the western side
               these there is a long linear view up Bridge Road, with much  of the road becomes residential development at Hunters
               of the western side remaining open to farmland.
                  Due to hedgerows which line the main Shabbington to
               Worminghall Road there is no view into Ickford itself from
               the north. The two lanes which access the village are closely
               lined with hedgerow.

                  Views within the village:
               Within Ickford, views tend to be focused along the length
               of the main roads through the village and are primarily
               contained by the hedges and trees that line each side of  The Rising Sun, Public House and No. 34, an important
               sections of the carriageway. Where groups of buildings are  grouping of historic buildings

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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