Page 11 - Ickford NP Sustainability Heritage Assessment
P. 11


           Incidental open spaces which add to the character  The lack of boundary treatments to front gardens adds
        of the village are the areas of open verge.  These are  to the sense of openness in this locality.
        particularly noticeable at the corner of Church and Sheldon
        Road, where the verge runs north to the junction with  Gaps
        Golders Close. Along Sheldon Road a wide verge is located
        to the frontages of the houses to the north from Field Close  Ickford is an example of a polyfocal settlement, with cores
        up towards Little Ickford.                         at Church Ickford and Little Ickford. Development over
                                                           time along the roadsides has joined up the previously
                                                           distinct areas. Nonetheless beyond the rear boundaries of
                                                           dwellings there are gaps which form an important part of
                                                           the character of the village. These include the hayfield and
                                                           the fields between Bridge Road and Little Ickford. The
                                                           spatial qualities of these gaps are fundamental to the rural
                                                           character of the village, and its historical linear layout.
                                                              In addition, the spaces around buildings can be
                                                           important for trees. This is a significant issue, not only
                                                           within Aylesbury Vale District but country wide.


                                                           Trees play a crucial role in establishing character by
                                                           reinforcing the connection between the village and its rural
                                                           surroundings. The village is open, its linear form clearly
                                                           defined by open countryside beyond the built curtilages.
                                                           Whilst trees form an important role in some of the
                                                           surrounding hedgerows, it is the clusters of tree cover in
                                                           parts of the village that have the most impact, creating a
                                                           sense of enclosure in some areas, which is heightened by
                                                           the play of light and shadow cast by them.  Trees provide
         View of Little Ickford across the pond
                                                           organic boundaries to the village, particularly between

          Trees at Little Ickford pond

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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