Page 26 - Ickford NP Sustainability Heritage Assessment
P. 26


                 50 (Holywell) Cottage. Late C17. Timber-framed   a half storeys. Central door, casements. Eaves dormers
               with colourwashed plaster infill. Thatched roof with  to upper floor. Segmental brick arched openings and
               thatched lean-to at right. Small left-hand eaves dormer.  brick band course. Flanking stacks. Single storey slate
               Flanking stacks.                                   roofed rear addition
                 No 64  Cottage. C18. Mudwalled, roughcast.         No.19 (Hitchin Cottage) Cottage. C17. Timber
               Thatched roof, hipped to left. One storey. Two     framed with some plastered infill, some painted brick infill.
               casements to right. Stack to right gable. An example of  South gable elevation colourwashed brick. Thatched roof.
               a very small cob (witchert) cottage.               1½ storeys. East elevation has off centre door and two
                                                                  ground floor casements. Three eaves dormers. At right a
                                                                  hipped old tile roof wing, single storey. West elevation has
                 BRIDGE ROAD
                                                                  irregular casements. South gable stack .
               No.4  House. C17, refronted to south C18.            No.21 (Herringbone Cottage)  Cottage. C17.
               Colourwashed rubblestone. South elevation          Timberframed with brick infill. Thatched roof. 1½
               colourwashed brick. Rubblestone west wing. Thatched  storeys. South elevation has door in front of stack
               roof, half-hipped to left. One storey plus dormers.  forming lobby entry plan type. Main door has gabled
               Single storey left wing with slate roof. South elevation  porch on posts with old tile roof. East gable elevation
               door in tiled open porch in front of stack forming lobby  has ground floor casement and casement in gable. North
               entry plan type. Stack of C17 brick                elevation onto footpath has 2 eaves dormers. 1978 single
                 No.17 (Jasmine Cottage) Cottage. C18. Coursed    storey brick additions with 2 hipped old tile roofs. Some
               rubblestone and brick dressings. Thatched roof. One and  herringbone set brick infill, mainly on north elevation.

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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