Page 23 - Ickford NP Sustainability Heritage Assessment
P. 23


           Windows                                         to the buildings. Roadside hedges are a particular feature
                                                           of Little Ickford. Hedgerow boundaries form a soft organic
        Windows. Historically windows are small casement   edge to the road, contrast with the hard building forms,
        types made of wood, with leaded lights, or plain wooden  reinforce the rural character of the village and create a sense
        mullion and transoms. On 19  century buildings sash  of enclosure, reducing visual width of the road, particularly
        windows are a feature. There are examples of more  in places where there are no footpaths, e.g. much of Little
        decorative windows found throughout the village.   Ickford, parts of Church Road, and the northern part of
        Windows play a key role in the appearance of buildings,  Worminghall Rad.
        and replacement of traditional wooden windows with    There are a number of stone or brick walls in the village.
        modern uPVC can reduce the historic integrity of a  They are particularly noticeable at the end of Church Road.
        building.                                          These walls are not high enough to restrict visibility of the
                                                           properties behind them but they link the area visually, and
                                                           tie the buildings together. In Little Ickford both The New
                                                           Manor House and Ickford House have walls delineating
        Doors. Vernacular doors tend to be plain timber    their front boundaries and. This pattern is repeated at The
        construction, sometimes with a small window light.  Close, where the walls have tile cappings. Hunters House
        Porches are a feature on some buildings.           has a substantial brick wall to its frontage.
                                                              Elsewhere in the village boundaries consist of a mixture
                                                           of hedging, low brick walls, or fencing. Hard boundaries
                                                           are softened by garden planting.
        Wells: Unsurprisingly, given the high water table in the  Historic railings are not a common boundary treatment,
        locality, there are a large number of wells in the village. 21  but can be found to the front of the former Baptist Chapel,
        are shown on the 1899 OS map and there are at least 2  and to part of the garden boundary at Apple Acre.
        others that are not mapped.
                                                              Surface Treatments.
           Boundary treatments
                                                           There are no historic surface treatments in evidence within
        In general terms the boundary treatments in Ickford reflect  the village, probably as a result of its origins as an
        the rural character of the village. On the upper reaches of  agricultural settlement. Roadside footpaths, where they
        roads out of the village, roadside hedges provide screening  exist, are tarmacked.

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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