Page 24 - Ickford NP Sustainability Heritage Assessment
P. 24


               APPENDIX 1

                 LISTED BUILDINGS:                                  LITTLE ICKFORD

               There are 30 listed buildings within the village, including  No 5 Bulls Lane: Cottage. Medieval, altered C17.
               Ickford Bridge, which is also a Scheduled Ancient  Cruck construction with timber framing. Colourwashed
               Monument. The full list descriptions have been edited to  plasteredinfill. Half hipped thatch roof. Central stack.
               allow for space. They can be found in full on the Historic  Medieval cruck truss exposed to gable and foot of
               England Website.                                   further trusses to side elevation, making it a 2 bay cruck
                                                                    Ickford House: House. C17, extended C18, altered
                 GRADE I
                                                                  C19. Red brick in a chequer pattern to north wing. West
               Parish Church of St Nicolas: Parish Church, C12,   range timber framed encased in C19 brick. Old tile roofs,
               mostly early C13. Aisles added c1230. Chancel east and  half hipped to south gable. C17 west wing has gabeld porch
               north wall rebuilt, upper stage of tower C14. South porch  between left hand bays forming lobby entry plan type. Large
               C15, altered C16. Rubblestone with ashlar dressings, old  C17 stack behind entrance. North range has band course
               tile roof. 2 bay chancel, aisled 3 bay nave, south porch and  and gable bane to 2 west bays. Gable has some timber of
               saddleback roofed west tower. Chancel bays separated by  C17 house exposed.
               stepped buttresses. West Tower of 2 stages. String below  The White Cottage (situated in grounds of
               bell chamber. Saddleback roof.                     Ickford House): House. Medieval and c17. Cruck
                                                                  framed with timber framing to easts. Remainder
                                                                  colourwashed rubblestone and later brick. Thatched roof,
                 GRADE II*
                                                                  half hipped to north end. One storey plus small eaves
               No. 6 (The Manor) and New Manor House              dormer.
               (formerly listed as Manor Farmhouse): House, now     Barn to South of The Manor:C18. Timber framed
               subdivided. C16 south range with late C17 north block.  and weatherboarded. Half hipped thatched roof. Loft
               Timber framed with colourwashed plaster infill.    dormer to rear elevation.
               Rubblestone plinths. Old Tile roofs. 2 storeys with attic.  No. 11 (Apple Acre) House. C17. Timber framed
               East or street elevation has leaded casements. C16 one to  with colourwashed brick infill. Hipped old tile roof. Former
               stair tower. North block has mullioned and transomed  doorway in front of stack forms lobby entry plan type.
               moulded window frames windows. Street front has left  Casement windows to ground floor, smaller first floor
               hand hipp and recessed centre. Moulded eaves. West  windows. Stack between right hand bays.
               elevation to garden has cross casements and door. Large  No.24 (Manor Farm) House. Late C17, altered.
               compound stack to east roof ridge. The north block has a  Rubblestone with brick dressings. Old tile roof Left hand
               date 1675 on east elevation which may be genuine.  bay an addition. East front has leaded casement windows.
                                                                  Door in gabled porch in centre. Irregular casements. Band
                                                                  course in brick. Three hipped dormers. Gables have attic
                 GRADE II
               Ickford Bridge together with Whirlpool Arch          No. 7 (Orchard Cottage) House. C17. Timber
               Bridge: River Bridge, partly in Buckinghamshire but south  framed with plastered infill. Extended c1977 by 2 bays with
               part in South Oxfordshire District, Oxfordshire. Medieval,  fake framing applied. Old tile roof.. 1½ storeys. Lobby
               altered and dated 1685. C18 and C19 alterations. Whirlpool  entry plan type. Five casements. Four gabled eaves dormers.
               arch c1800. Coursed rubble with ashlar arches and  C17 stack between bays 3 and 4 and modern stack between
               dressings. 3 arches with causewayed southern approach.  bays 1 and 2. Roof hipped to right.
               In eastern refuge on south side is stone inscribed ‘Here  No 19 (The Close) House. C17, altered C18. Timber-
               begineth the County of Bucks 1685’ and ‘1685 Here ends  framed with plaster infill on north east wing and north
               the County of Oxon’. At north end of causeway on   gable. Remainder roughcast over. South west wing
               Buckinghamshire side is Whirlpool Arch bridge, a segmental  rubblestone, also colourwashed and roughcast. Old tile
               arch in ashlar with rubblestone parapets and chamfered  roofs. 2 storey south west wing with attic, remainder 1½
               ashlar copings.                                    storeys.
                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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