Page 75 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 75


                                          • All the comments about lack of public transport were re-iterated ; the need
                                             to reduce the dependence on cars was stressed many times.
                                          • The number of heavy lorries travelling through the village was highlighted
                                             as a serious, and worsening, problem concern was raised for: the bridges,
                                             safety, congestion and damage to houses especially those without foundations.

                                         History – JT
                                          • Retain the varied character
                                          • Lovely balance of old and new buildings
                                          • Bridges will be destroyed/damages with the unreasonable use by HGVs
                                          • We are surrounded by history
                                          • The church is amazing

                                         Other –
                                          • The community spirit is wonderful
                                          • Lovely friendly familiar faces
                                          • Safe and cohesive
                                          • Excellent place to bring up children
                                          • More pride in our village – clearing plastic and kerbside weeds etc
                                          • Good access to Oxford/ London/ Motorway system and National Rail
                                          • Traditional values still exist here
                                          • Establish a stronger relationship between school and the community
                                          • Move the school to Pound Field, use the current school site for housing.
                                          • Knock down and replace the village hall

                                          • There was a proposal from one resident which produced a very positive
                                             response from many others:
                                          • Convert and update the village hall to be a community centre with a café,
                                             the shop, maybe some medical facility, proper access and parking. This would
                                             alleviate the parking issues in the village. Sell the current shop and return
                                             the property to residential as well as apply for grants to help with the cost.

                                           Results of the amenities usage ‘button’ count:

                                            Village hall        –        61
                                            Church              –        53
                                            Village shop        –        69
                                            Playing fields      –        43

                                            Duck pond           –        42
                                            The Rising Sun      –        43
                                            School/Preschool    –        24
                                            Allotments          –        10
                                            Tennis court        –        10
                                            Fishing pool        –        2

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80