Page 74 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 74


                • Start a village orchard or Woodland Trust area (42 Worminghall Road area)
                • More flower displays
                • Streams and the river

                • Many more wildlife surveys were completed at the event; residents are
                  knowledgeable and enthusiastic to retain all the wildlife we can.
                • It was mentioned that an area in Waterstock is being designated as a wetlands
                  area of natural beauty –don’t know if this has any relevance to us?

               Amenities – GJ
                • Broad range of clubs and activities appreciated
                • A good shop is valued and a pub with a good restaurant would be good
                • Improve the children’s play area
                • Upgrade the village hall; it is dated and rather tired. More information about
                  availability, prices, limitations etc would be appreciated, maybe online.
                • Excellent shop
                • All village facilities must be maintained and supported
                • Strategy for company for the elderly
                • Coffee shop/tea room
                • Excellent school
                • Would like a cash machine
                • Chip van
                • More village social events
                • More facilities for teenagers
                • More challenging/imaginative play facilities and outdoor activities in general
                • A bowling green or a short mat bowls club in the village hall.
                • The fact that the village has a shop, pub, school and church is the comment
                  that arises most often

                • The pub is a beautiful building but is not, at the moment, a focal point for
                  the village. It would benefit from a really good restaurant.

               Transport – PL  (include something on Parking issues?)
                • Improve the bus service
                • Would like speed bumps and a camera
                • Village minibus
                • Car share system
                • Further parking options
                • Buses to other villages
                • Fill in potholes
                • Considerate parking should be encouraged
                • Better salting and gritting during icy weather

                • 20 mph limit as there is so much traffic in the village, especially in Sheldon
                  Road, Bridge Road and Worminghall Road
                • A cycle/walking trail would be fantastic. Exercise is important for all of us
                  and walking on the road is dangerous and the fields are filled with ‘over-
                  friendly’ cows.
                • The village is becoming like a car park! The junction of Sheldon Road and
                  Bridge Road is now very dangerous.

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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