Page 73 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 73


                                         Annex 22.

                                         Synopsis of the further ideas and comments
                                         from the second

                                         Consultation Event.

                                         Synopsis of ideas and further comments from the 100 visitors to the Village
                                         Hall.  New comments received during and after the event are in red.

                                           Summary of Comments from Questionnaires with updates

                                         Housing – AP
                                          • No more housing because of increased traffic and impact on the environment
                                          • Appropriate expansion, don’t wreck the village
                                          • Affordable housing required
                                          • Housing for elderly and young people to maintain the balance of the
                                          • Housing that young couples/families of limited means can rent or buy
                                          • Large developments not needed
                                          • Starter homes to be built
                                          • No more 4/5 bedroom houses
                                          • Possibility of a self–build development

                                          • Very strong support for small, sustainable developments introduced slowly
                                             to enable the monitoring of the effect on the village. Houses that local families
                                             can afford is key.

                                          • Rural community, quiet roads. Beautiful countryside, open fields many
                                          • Has a proper country feel, love walking to school
                                          • Surrounded by fields
                                          • Improvements needed drainage and sewerage
                                          • Street lights – more required
                                          • Quietness is lovely
                                          • Fence the children’s play area to stop dog fouling
                                          • Good footpath network
                                          • Sewers that work such that sewerage does not come up the toilet!
                                          • Darkness at night
                                          • Feeling of space and not living in packed conditions
                                          • Linear housing so most people have views of trees/fields/open space
                                          • Flooding is appalling, one area is addressed and another pipe leaks!

                                          • Dog fouling is a serious problem that many residents are concerned about

                                         Biodiversity – CS/PC
                                          • A huge abundance of nature
                                          • Start a wetland area (Pound Green area)

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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