Page 63 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 63


                                         Annex 16.

                                         On-going consultation with village
                                         associations and groups.

                                         Many of the Steering Group are associated with/members of local groups in the
                                         village thus updating them and engendering further discussion on a regular basis.

                                         Rendezvous Cafe at the Church - Chris Sandham (SG) goes to the and  he
                                         keeps people there informed.

                                         Village Hall – Martin (SG Chair) sees Will frequently and updates him

                                         Village Shop Association – Martin sees Paul Farrell regularly and updates
                                         him. The village shop has been closed for several month but is now re-opening, it
                                         will be a further opportunity to inform residents of our progress and advertise
                                         consultation events

                                         Friends of St Nicholas (village church) – Peter Jordain gets the updates
                                         from the Parish Council Meetings as he is a member of the Council

                                         The following is a quote from Parish Council minutes:

                                         ‘a representative of the Vision for Ickford committee, Martin Armitstead, gives regular updates
                                         on progress but your ideas are always welcome ‘

                                         WI – Key members are on the Parish Council

                                         Village Pavilion – Louise Arnold is a member of the Parish Council

                                         Rising Sun – The landlady of the Rising Sun (village pub) attended the Village
                                         Hall event.

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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