Page 58 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 58


               Annex 11.

               Headline analysis of the
               questionnaire findings.

               These results represent the views and information from the 70% of villagers
               who have returned their questionnaires (so far)

                • Age of residents in years
                     Median age for Ickford:  49
                     Median age for Thame:   46
                     Median age for AV:      40
                     Median age for UK       39

               This probably only tells us what we already knew but it is significant.

                • Mean number of residents per property  2.5 (UK 2.3)
                • Mean number of cars per property       2.3 (UK 1.2)
                • Mean number of bedrooms                3.4 (UK 2.9)

               Ratio of: number of residents v age v number of cars is out of kilter and implies
               the need for more low price, ‘affordable’ housing is required to balance the village.
               School Close model is interesting. In addition the sort of housing is totally opposite
               to the general trend – few flats, many 4/5 bedroom houses. Only 17% of
               properties have 1 or 2 bedrooms.

                • 23% of households in the village have at least one resident who works from
                   home. On average this is 3 days per week, but the range is large.

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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