Page 62 - Ickford NP Consultation Report
P. 62


               Annex 15.

               Further feedback from the questionnaire
               and the Church Fete via June 2018 edition

               of Ickford Informer.


                    Thank you to all of you that visited the Neighbourhood Plan display at the Church Fete.  Over
                    80 people stopped by, we had some excellent interest and feedback, and were also able to fill
                    some of the gaps in our information gathering.

                    A copy of the full presentation is now on our website, and there are some fascinating statistics
                    and views of the village therein.  For example from the questionnaire returns we have on
                    average 2.9 cars per household against a national average of 1.2; we have on average 2.5
                    residents per property, but 3.4 bedrooms ( against a national average of 2.3 and 2.9
                    respectively); and on average residents have lived in the village for 16.5 years – the longest
                    living resident in the village we have found, has lived here for 79 years! Questionnaires – over
                    70% of households have now returned the questionnaires, so the participation is excellent.

                    If you still have not returned your questionnaire please do so by dropping it into Jan Jones at
                    1 Church Road. If you have lost yours and need another copy please e-mail
            or call me on 07768 114020. Wildlife survey. As part of the NP we
                    will be undertaking a survey of the wildlife in the village – reptiles and amphibians, butterflies,
                    bats, mammals, native and migrant birds, and your help is needed to record sightings. Chris
                    Sandham is heading up this initiative, and would love to hear from you if you can help.

                    I am assured no experience is necessary, just a keen eye and some enthusiasm! If you or any
                    member of your family would like to help then please contact Chris on
                    or on 339586. Harry Butler and the Photographic Club are all helping us with photos of the
                    village and surrounds, but we are also trying to get hold of any historic photos, pictures or
                    prints of the village and past residents. Do you have any? If so may we scan copy them?
                    Please email me on

                    Martin Armitstead

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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