Page 30 - Ickford Neighbourhood Plan
P. 30


                 9.10. The Neighbourhood Plan has to be in general conformity with the
               Local Plan and it cannot insist on a lower level of development than the Local
               Plan. Given that the village will be growing by an additional 96 homes and its
               status as a medium village with a relatively unsustainable rural location, no more
               growth during the period of the Neighbourhood Plan is envisaged to be
               appropriate other than infill or redevelopment within the settlement boundary.
               The policy sets out detailed design criteria against which planning applications
               must be assessed to ensure that the resulting schemes are of the highest quality.
               Building form, detailing and materials that are suitable to enable a cohesive
               development are set out in the Built Heritage Assessment.

                         POLICY ND3: NEW HOUSING DEVELOPMENT

                  All new housing development will be required to deliver a well-designed scheme
                  that links both visually and functionally to the existing village. The following
                  issues must be addressed:

                   • Scale: New buildings must respect both the scale of surrounding development
                     and be designed to mitigate against issues of overlooking and loss of residential

                   • Form:  The character and appearance of the area shall be respected in the
                     form of new housing development.
                   • Design: Buildings should exhibit a simplicity of design, with tradition solid
                     to void ratios. Openings should be set into walls to add articulation to the
                   • Materials: All building materials should respect the local vernacular as set
                     out in the Built Heritage Assessment.
                   • Landscaping: Buffers to the boundaries of sites should be substantial,
                     particularly where then is currently only fence and/or deciduous hedging.
                     Issues of privacy and overlooking must be addressed. Tree planting along
                     boundaries and between individual houses is required to soften the impact of
                     the development. To ensure long-term maintenance, a management plan will
                     be required for landscaping schemes, secured with a planning condition or
                     Section 106 planning obligation where appropriate.
                   • Parking: All carparking spaces to be provided within individual curtilages,
                     and to the rear of frontages.
                   • Sustainable Urban Drainage (SUDs) features shall be natural-looking and

                   • Affordable housing shall be provided in line with the requirements of the
                     Local Plan.

                   • Contribute proportionally towards any necessary improvements to recreational
                     facilities and community facilities and green infrastructure including

                                                VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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