Page 29 - Ickford Neighbourhood Plan
P. 29


                                                       POLICY ND2: HIGH QUALITY DESIGN

                                            The rural character of the village and its surroundings will be respected through
                                            high quality new development. Proposals for development including alterations
                                            to existing buildings will be supported provided that;

                                             • Their scale, density, height, massing, landscape design, layout and
                                                materials reflect the character and scale of the surrounding buildings
                                                and of distinctive local features, and;
                                             • The existing pattern of development is respected, and;
                                             • The proposal  retains and enhances natural features and boundaries,
                                                including trees, hedgerows and water courses, which contribute to visual
                                                amenity or are important for their ecological value and biodiversity,
                                             • The planned development will not  cause unacceptable harm  to
                                                neighbouring properties by way of loss of privacy, daylight, noise, visual
                                                intrusion or amenity.

                                           New Housing Development

                                         Comments:  housing for elderly and young people to maintain the balance of the
                                         population, housing that young people/families of limited means can rent or buy.
                                            9.7. Local residents are generally supportive of small scale development
                                         which could provide opportunities for local people to move within the village
                                         such as downsizing into smaller units, starter homes for younger people and
                                         more affordable units for young families. It is acknowledged that there are
                                         limited opportunities for additional housing development to come forward
                                         within the existing built up area.

                                           9.8.  The VALP identifies Ickford as a suitable location for sustainable
                                         development given its level of services and its status as a medium village. The
                                         Local Plan allocates a site for 20 houses off Turnfields and outline planning
                                         permission was granted for 30 houses on the site in September 2019. The
                                         details of the design and layout of the houses is yet to be confirmed but
                                         integration with the existing village, minimising the impact on the adjacent
                                         properties and the creation of a landscaped boundary against the open
                                         countryside beyond is of paramount importance.

                                           9.9.  In August 2019, outline planning permission was granted on appeal
                                         for up to 66 homes on Land at the rear of 42 Worminghall Road. The new
                                         development will be the largest in lckford and it is essential that the design is
                                         of the highest quality to reduce the impact on the conservation area, the
                                         rural context and the occupiers of the properties adjacent to the site. The
                                         Worminghall Road site is at a higher ground level than the adjacent
                                         conservation area, so this is an issue that requires sensitive design.

                                         VISION FOR ICKFORD – NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN
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