Connecting lenders with their suppliers
Full control of instruction administration and management.

whoever we’re connecting, xit2 will always do it safely and securely.

xit2’s systems link all the parties involved in the process of buying and selling property. 

We connect:

Providing a one-stop shop to receive instructions from all lenders

xit2 Limited, EDM House, Village Way, Wolverhampton WV14 0UJ    Tel: 01902 406200
Copyright © 2014 Xit2 Limited is registered in England & Wales with company number 1193648
Registered office:  EDM Group Limited, 4th Floor, Queens House, 8-9 Queen Street, London EC4N 1SP

EDM Group is one of the UK’s largest information management providers. We combine business expertise with innovative technology and robust outsourcing capabilities to help leading organisations improve their performance.