Page 6 - Oxford Preservation Trust Newsletter, Winter 2020
P. 6

Virtual OPT Events

           Tuesday 1 December, 5pm
           ‘Oxford’s Changing Landscape: A review of 2020’            e have had to put our Land Work
           with OPT Director, Debbie Dance                      WParties on hold but hope to be out
                                                                and about soon. We thank our volunteers
           Wednesday 13 January, 5pm                            who have
           'Oxford Landscapes and trees' with OPT Trustee,      done such
           Julian Munby
           Tuesday 26 January, 5pm                              work this
           ‘Turning the bridge – saving the Rewley Road Railway   Autumn
           Swing Bridge’ with OPT Trustee, Tom Hassall          come rain
           Thursday 11 February, 5pm                            or shine.
           ‘A jewel in the crown – Oxford’s Covered Market’
           with author and historian, Dr Malcolm Graham
           Thursday 25 February, 5pm
           ‘The Invisible Barrier – the story of Oxford's historic   A Legacy for Oxford
           railings’ with David Clark
           Thursday 11 March, 5pm                                     e are asking you to help us keep Oxford
           The Chairman’s Lecture – ‘a plan for Broad Street’   Wspecial and to ensure that future
                                                                generations can enjoy our green open spaces,
           with award-winning landscape architect, Kim Wilkie
                                                                landscape and views. Help us to continue our
           Tuesday 23 March, 5pm                                work building a positive future for the city
           ‘Stories of Oxford Castle: from dungeon to dunghill’   by leaving a gift in your Will. Large or small,
           with author and local historian, Mark Davies         your contribution will mean a great deal.

           To book events visit...                              Why not let us know of your gift so we can
                                                                thank you in your lifetime. Contact Debbie
  or call       or
           01865 242918.                                        Stephen
                                                                for more information.

             Oxford Heritage Fund 2020

                hank you to everyone who has contributed
            Tto the £20,000 raised so far - your support
            is crucial.

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