Page 3 - Oxford Preservation Trust Newsletter, Winter 2020
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OPT News...                                        Shakespeare's Birthday...

                                                              On 23 April we raised a glass to the Immortal
           Get Outdoors...                                    Bard and the NHS.

           As we go into a second lockdown we have made
           sure our Hidden Heritage and Green Spaces
           walks and activity sheets from Oxford Open Doors
           are available on our website for you.

                                                              The OPT garden was the place to be when
                                                              High Sheriff, Amanda Ponsonby joined our
                                                              Chair, William to launch Oxford Open Doors
                                                              Goes Outside.

           Keeping in touch

           Thank you for letting
           us know how much you
           have enjoyed our regular                           Welcome to the Team
           news bulletins, letters,
           phone calls and keeping                            A selfie of Heritage
           in touch by social media.                          Assistants, Katie
           Here is your favourite                             Wylie and Lucy Inskip
           photo taken on Land                                who are a bubble in
           Officer Lindsay’s family                           more ways than one
           farm in the Spring.                                as they have rented a
                                                              flat together.

                                                 Virtual Events...

                                                 Liz Woolley, William Whyte, David Radford and Malcolm Airs        Newsletter Winter 2020
                                                 are all well-known names who have joined us in learning the
                                                 delights of the webinar. From Oxford’s Most Hated Buildings,
                                                 through St Thomas’s parish, to the ‘dream that failed’ at the Pitt
                                                 Rivers Museum we have all learned so much more about Oxford
                                                 and we now have the recordings for the future.

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