Page 2 - Oxford Preservation Trust Newsletter, Winter 2020
P. 2

Oxford in a Box

          Book 6 ‘On Foot from the High to
          Trill Mill’ is the last in the Oxford
          Heritage Walks ‘On Foot’ series,
          and marks the completion of an
          extraordinary journey through
          Oxford’s streets which began over
          ten years ago when local historian
          Malcolm Graham, head of the
          Centre for Oxfordshire Studies,
          and Edith Gollnast, Conservation
          Officer, retired within a few months
          of each other taking with them a
          wealth of knowledge too good to lose.
          These books are the result with wonderful
          drawings and fine words to paint a picture of
          heritage past and present, guided by the well-
          known and characterful maps of Alun Jones.          We launched the last book on 19 October marking
          They are both charming and important in             50 years since Malcolm first began working at the
          recording Oxford’s more fragile heritage and are    Oxford Library. Malcolm and Edith chose to have
          already much loved. Book 6 and the Box Set are      their photo taken at the Head of the River pub
          now available (see enclosed leaflet).               where the Salter’s Yard crane, saved in 1977 remains.

             The Covered Market

             We are back on site and working in partnership with the City Council and a great team to restore
             these three units, full of character and ready for new tenants to move in early next year. We hope to
                                     »                               »
             have a celebration event and have included the market in our programme (see page 6). Thanks go to
             the William Delafield Charitable Trust for their support.

              Before                          site visit                       after

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