Page 34 - Centennial Sketch of the History of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 1877 UGLE
P. 34

                      ThE LODgE Of ThE NINE MuSES, NO. 235.

                            (Corrected to 8th May, 1887 – W.M.)

             The Warrant, in Gilt Frame.    A Temple for collecting Money for
             Centenary Warrant. Mahogany        Charity.
             Jewel Box,                     Two Wands.
                 containing 11 Jewels,      24-inch Gauge.
                10 Collars.                 One Iron skirret.
             One Bible.                     One Iron Chisel. One Iron Gavel.
             Three Chairs.                  One Dagger.
             Three Pedestals.               Three-Folding Tracing Board for the
             Three Brass Candlesticks.          three degrees.
             Three Ivory Gavels.            One pair Gauntlets for the W.M.
             One Rosewood Gavel.            One Velvet Cushion.
             One Maul.                      silver square & Compasses.
             One perfect Ashlar and Triangle.   One Box of Tools (for installing W.M.).
             One rough ditto.               One Ballot Box.

             Particular description of the Jewels: ~

             The W.M. ‘s Jewel.
                  An oval enamel, set in silver gilt. A figure (Apollo) standing, holding the
                  square in his right hand.
             The Immediate P.M. ‘s Jewel.
                  An oval enamel, set in frame, with stones. A figure standing by a pedestal,
                  holding a square in her left hand. Inscription at back: ~ “Presented to the
                  Lodge of Nine Muses, by Brother G.M. BRIGHTy, s.W., as a testimony of
                  his regard, 22nd November, 5816.”
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