Page 92 - An account of the Lodge of Nine Muses No. 235. 1777 to 2012UGLE
P. 92

92                     An Account of the

             Masters of the Lodge beginning with Sir Wm. Rawlins, and ending with Francis
             Walsh. This is followed by a list of the number of bottles of wine drunk on these
             occasions and at Richmond.
                The end-paper is ruled in columns in ink, the first headed “Mem .  ”, the second
             “No who dined”, the third “Bottles of wine drank”; the fourth column gives a
             few of the places of meeting.
                This curious table is reproduced below:
                   Mem . a        No who     of wine
                                   dined      drank
             1827   decembr   11    16         17
             1828   Feby    12      18         18
                   March    11      13         14
                   April    8       16         21
                   May     13       13         16
                   June    24    .............................    Star and Garter Richmond
                   Novr    11       15         17
                   Decr     9       16         19
             1829   Jany    13   Recreation          Secretary
                   Feby    10       14         16
                   March    10      15         18
                   April    14      15         22
                   May     12       17         23
                   June.   24                        Star and Garter
                   July    14     recreation      Stamford Hill
                   Novr    10       19         26
                   decr     8       22         23
                The page is ruled for more, but here unfortunately the list stops; all these lists
             and tables are in Bro. Thornton’s handwriting; naturally there is no entry for the
             night when he entertained the Lodge at his own house.
                The number of bottles works out at six between five men – temperate for
             those days.
                So much of this work is unavoidably dry and pedestrian that it may be
             pardonable to linger over these junketings longer, perhaps, than their relative
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